KP-Bellflower Tracheostomoy Management
Protocol 10-1999
Head and Neck Surgery (HNS) performs tracheostomy on patients with H &
N pathology, all pediatric patients, and morbidly obese patients with thick
necks where special long tube may be required.
General surgery performs the "routine trach's" in adult patients (in appropriate
circumstances, qualified intensivists may place percutaneous trach's in the
ICU setting if they are privileged to do so by the medical center).
The initial decision to request a trach on medical patients will be made
by the attending physician, intensivist, or pulmonary consultant.
The patient will be pre-op'ed (CBC, coagulation parameters checked; blood
type and screened; NPO after midnight; procedure discussed with the patient
and family) by the attending physician.
The SOD will be contacted in the morning that the trach is required. HNS
will be consulted in the special circumstances listed above.
The SOD will review the case as necessary and obtain formal consent from
the patient and family.
Tracheostomy will be performed on that day whenever operating schedule permits.
A Shiley #8 cuffed trach tube with disposable inner cannula (blue box) will
be placed in most patients. If a smaller trach tube is placed, higher cuff
pressure is needed to obtain an adequate seal and it is not possible to perform
a bronchoscopy through the tube. Fenestrated tubes are not recommended,
particularly as the initial trach tube.
Post-Op Care
After a tracheostomy, the patient will be managed in the ICU or DOU for the
first 24 hours.
A spare Shiley #8 cuffed trach tube will be kept at the patient's bedside
at all times.
If the tube becomes dislodged (unable
to ventilate through the trach or prominent subcutaneous air seen):
a. And the patient has RESPIRATORY DISTRESS,
the following should be paged STAT.:
- anesthesiologist should be paged STAT by contacting the OR duty desk (x4305)
- CRNA (beeper 9758) should be paged
- patient's primary hospital physician (or the physician covering, i.e. the
medical consult or SOD).
- The anesthesiologist and/or the critical care physician will manage the
airway acutely. The trach will be replaced into the trachea, using bronchoscopy
as needed. The patient will be intubated orally to temporize as
b. But the patient is stable (no respiratory distress, O2 sat normal),
the surgeon or the SOD should be contacted. For ICU patients, the critical
care physician should be paged if he or she is in the hospital.
· If the anesthesiologist or the critical care physician is unable to
replace the trach, the surgeon or the SOD will be called after securing an
The surgeon will assess the patient and the tracheostomy the day following
the procedure and document the post-op check. The surgeon will provide subsequent
follow up care as needed.
It should be noted that a fair amount of inflammatory changes and exudate
around the trach is common for several days.
At approximately 7 days post-op, the first trach change and suture removal
should be performed. This can be done by a qualified respiratory therapist,
or the pulmonary/critical care physician if he or she is involved in the
patient's care. If not, the surgeon who performed the trach should be contacted
to do this. If the trach needs to be changed prior to 7 days (usually for
a cuff leak), the surgeon or SOD should be contacted.
The patient should be observed in the hospital for several days (to allow
the stoma to mature) prior to discharging the patient to an ECF or home.
Problems with Chronic Trach
If a chronic trach needs to be replaced (either because it's time or cuff
leak), a qualified respiratory therapist will change the trach (same type
and size will be placed).
Other problems should be referred either to pulmonary or HNS, depending on
which service was involved with placing the trach. If neither pulmonary nor
HNS is on the case, problems should be referred to the hospitalist physician.
The hospitalist physician will consult HNS as needed.
Trach Tube Removal
The pulmonologist on-call should be consulted about removal of tracheostomy
tube (HNS should be consulted if HNS performed the trach).
There are many options for the approach to trach decannulation. The following
is one option that might be followed.
· If it is felt that trach is no longer needed and will not be needed
in the foreseeable future, a trial of breathing with the trach cuff deflated
will be undertaken. If this is tolerated, the current trach tube may remain
in place with the cuff deflated, or a qualified RT or the pulmonologist will
change the trach to a cuffless #6 Shiley tube . The trach tube may then be
plugged with the plug (with a red button) provided with the trach tube at
the pulmonologist's discretion.
· If the patient is stable for 24 - 48 h with the trach plugged, a qualified
RT of the pulmonologist will remove the trach, and the stoma will be allowed
to close.
· If upper airway pathology such as tracheal stenosis is suspected,
the pulmonologist will perform a flexible bronchoscopy prior to decannulation.
· If the patient is stable for 24 - 48 hours with the trach cuff deflated
or with a cuffless tube in place, the patient may be discharged to an ECF
or home at the attending physicians discretion.
- If the patient is discharged home, the patient should follow up with either
pulmonary or HNS for subsequent trach care and possible decannulation.
- If the patient is transferred to an ECF, the ECF physician may decannulate
the trach when appropriate in consultation with a pulmonary or HNS physician.
· For awake patients who are tolerating a cuffless trach or a deflated
trach cuff, a Passey-Muir (speaking) valve may be ordered by the attending
physician or pulmonologist. A qualified respiratory therapist can apply the
speaking valve and instruct the patient in it's use. When necessary, speech
therapy should be consulted to help the patient phonate correctly with the
speaking valve.
· In situations where we want to keep the stoma open for longer periods,
an Olympic Trach-Button (From Olympic Medical 800 426-0353) will be placed
by the pulmonologist. This needs to be special ordered through distribution.
BK 10-19-1999
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