E-Note for Adult
Stat | Lytes |
Drugs | ID |
Heart | Lungs |
Kidneys | GI |
Rheum | Heme-Onc |
Endo | Neuro |
Derm | Misc. |
Resource |
Survival Skills Basic Steps:
At Work:
Take responsibility only for things y ou can control
Learn to recognize the signs of burn-out
If feeling stressed, take a Ten Second Break prn
Ask for support when you need it
Set realistic career goals
Away from Work:
Protect time for Family, Friends, & Fun
Pursue interests outside medicine
Spend some time alone
Take annual vacation (s)
10 Basic Steps for Successful Patient Interviews
(Dr. Hector Anguiano)
Preview chart, whenever possible
Knock before entering exam room
Greet patient by name & Introduce yourself
Position yourself to patient's eye level
Maintain direct Eye Contact, as appropriate
Allow patient to speak uninterrupted (1-3 min)
Acknowledge patient's concerns & validate feelings
Monitor patient's Body Language
Explain diagnosis, treatment, & follow-up
Obtain Closure & give patient your card
WORDS TO AVOID - they leave no choice
& are too "controlling"
(for extraordinary customer relations)
You have to ...; You need to ...; You must ...
I need (want) you to ...
You can't ...
Would you mind ...?
I'll try (without specific)
I'm sorry (without specific explanation) I can't .....
Are you willing? Will you? What have you considered?
What are the options or alternatives?
Which do you prefer?
How can it be corrected?
How can I help? What do you want me to do?
I apologize for (specific) ...