*Mild to moderate hypertension has NOT been shown to be a risk factor for perioperative morbidity/mortality. (Only severe hypertension is considered a major risk factor.)
In general, goal is to maintain SBP <180 and DBP <110 intraoperatively/postoperatively AND to avoid hypotension. (BP parameters are stricter in the presence of cardiac or cerebrovascular disease.) Postop, I will usually write prn med orders for SBP >170 or DBP >100.
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*CAD has been shown to be a definite risk factor for perioperative cardiac morbidity/mortality. (Prior successful angioplasty or CABG has been shown to be protective in patients who have had these procedures done and who have not had recurrence of cardiac symptoms or problems.)
*A note about postoperative MI's: up to 60% are not associated with chest pain but instead present with unexplained hypotension, CHF, arrhythmia, or altered mental status; the mortality associated with postoperative MI is high (up to 50% in one study).
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*CHF has been shown to be a definite risk factor for perioperative cardiac morbidity/mortality. Systolic LV dysfunction, even in the absence of clinical CHF, is also considered a risk factor (particularly if LV ejection fraction is under 35%).
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*Valvular heart disease can be a significant risk factor for surgery, depending on the valve involved, the lesion and its severity. As a general rule, stenotic lesions are worse than regurgitant lesions, and aortic valve disease is worse than mitral valve disease (which is worse than right-sided disease).
*Patients with significant valve disease are much more likely to have arrhythmias, both ventricular and supraventricular. In addition, antibiotic prophylaxis is warranted if undergoing oral/GI/GU or ob/gyn procedure.
Severe aortic stenosis (AV area <1cm2, mean gradient >50) confers a
high surgical risk, even worse if LV dysfunction is present. Unfortunately,
there are no effective medical options to manage aortic stenosis. Treat
underlying CHF if present. Avoid overaggressive IVF hydration postoperatively,
but hypovolemia must also be avoided. No benefit of spinal over general
anesthesia. (General may actually be preferable because of the hypotension
associated with spinal anesthesia due to peripheral vasodilation.)
Severe mitral stenosis (MV area <1cm2) confers a significantly increased
surgical risk, but it can be well-tolerated as long as heart rate is controlled.
The absolute key to management is heart rate control (keep HR <80) whether
the patient is in sinus rhythm or in atrial fib. Beta-blockers are particularly
effective for this; calcium-channel blockers can also be used. Digoxin is
useful only in atrial fib. Additionally, regarding chronic anticoagulation,
if the patient has both atrial fib and mitral stenosis, the risk of
thromboembolization is significantly higher than if patient has atrial fib
alone, so resumption of anticoagulation postop should be instituted once
surgically safe to do so.
This lesion is usually well-tolerated for surgery as long as it is chronic
and LV function is preserved. (The prognosis for surgery is actually more
dependent on the LV function than on the severity of the aortic regurgitation.)
Afterload reduction (ACE inhibitors or hydralazine) is indicated even if
LV function is normal.
This lesion is usually well-tolerated for surgery, again as long as it
is chronic and LV function is preserved. Afterload reduction (ACE inhibitors
or hydralazine) is indicated even if LV function is normal.
Mitral valve prolapse itself is not a significant concern for surgery.
(Furthermore, antibiotic valve prophylaxis is not warranted unless mitral
regurgitation is present.)
If prosthetic valve is functioning well and LV function is preserved, then
the main issues are maintenance of anticoagulation and antibiotic prophylaxis.
Mechanical mitral valves are much more thrombogenic and require more prompt
resumption of anticoagulation postop than mechanical aortic valves. (Porcine
and homograft valves do not require chronic anticoagulation.) Prosthetic
valves are considered high-risk with regard to antibiotic prophylaxis.
2005 (Contents)
Chronic atrial fibrillation alone is not a significant risk factor for surgery,
as long as heart rate is controlled. Other cardiac problems, however, may
be identified which would confer increased surgical risk (such as LV dysfunction,
coronary artery disease, valve disease, etc.). Rate-control can be achieved
with beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, or digoxin. *In patients who
suddenly develop rapid ventricular response after surgery, do not forget
to consider the multiple possible etiologies of postop tachycardia (such
as hypoxia, anemia, ischemia, pneumonia, PE, etc.).
The development on new atrial fibrillation is particularly common after cardiac and thoracic procedures, but may occur after any major surgery. In general, anticoagulation is not necessary within the initial 48 hours of new atrial fibrillation, and a majority of these patients can be successfully cardioverted within that timeframe (many are spontaneous). Beta-blockers are effective for controlling rate and may also convert to sinus rhythm. Other agents for postoperative cardioversion: IV procainamide (loading dose followed by infusion), amiodarone (slow IV or PO), flecainide 300mg single PO dose (not recommended for elderly patients, atrial flutter, or patients with pre-existing cardiac disease or conduction abnormalities), IV ibutilide (NOTE multiple potential, severe drug interactions), and PO sotalol. Electrical cardioversion is another option if chemical cardioversion is unsuccessful or if immediate cardioversion is necessary due to symptoms, ischemia, CHF, or hemodynamic compromise.
Anticoagulation for new atrial fibrillation is highly recommended after 48 hours, but in the postoperative setting the patient's immediate bleeding risk needs to be addressed with the surgeon before starting anticoagulation. If anticoagulation is initiated and the patient remains in atrial fibrillation beyond 48 hours, the current ACC/AHA recommendation is not to attempt cardioversion for another 3 to 4 weeks while on anticoagulation, then to continue for at least 3 to 4 weeks post-cardioversion. Furthermore, even for patients who successfully cardiovert to sinus rhythm within the first 48 hours (without anticoagulation), there is consideration of post-cardioversion anticoagulation for 3 to 4 weeks depending on assessment of cardioembolic risk. (Although it has been common practice not to anticoagulate this group, data supporting this practice is very limited.)
Patients with PVC's (>5/min) statistically do have some increased risk
of perioperative cardiac death; however, the cause of death is not due to
arrhythmia. In fact, the increased surgical risk is not due to the ectopy
at all, but rather to the underlying cause of the arrhythmia. Patients with
asymptomatic PVC's/bigeminy/ trigeminy should not have the ectopy treated
preoperatively because suppression of the PVC's has not been shown to reduce
perioperative morbidity/mortality. Instead, an underlying cause of the arrhythmia
should be investigated (such as CHF, hypoxia, electrolyte abnormality, coronary
disease, valve disease, drug-induced, etc.). In the absence of any significant
underlying disease, the arrhythmia is likely to be benign.
Postoperative ventricular ectopy is very common, and the same principle applies with regard to management. There is no need to treat asymptomatic PVC's themselves, unless the patient develops ventricular tachycardia or has documented ischemia (which itself needs to be treated acutely). In high-risk or elderly surgical patients, asymptomatic PVC's may sometimes be an indicator of post-op ischemia, but the likelihood of this is variable. A 12-lead EKG can quickly and reliably resolve the issue.
Asymptomatic patients with chronic sinus bradycardia (HR <60) in general
do not require any intervention preop or postop. Patients with sick sinus
syndrome (inappropriate tachycardia followed by bradycardia, or vice-versa)
or with symptomatic bradycardia should have a pacemaker placed before surgery,
unless the bradycardia is medication-related and simply resolves by withholding
the causative drug. (The most common causative drugs are beta-blockers,
calcium-channel blockers, and clonidine.) Intraoperative/postoperative
bradycardia is well-described after succinylcholine administration and after
ophthal-mologic procedures. It is also commonly associated with spinal/epidural
anesthesia. If necessary, atropine is the first drug of choice to acutely
treat bradycardia.
In the absence of underlying cardiac or pulmonary disease, the surgical risk
associated with SVT is unclear. (It is probably a similar situation to that
of atrial fibrillation, which alone is not a significant risk factor for
surgery as long as the heart rate is controlled.) Postoperative SVT is a
common occurrence, and management is identical to that in nonsurgical patients.
Beta-blockers, in particular, have been proven to be better than calcium-channel
blockers in controlling postop SVT and converting to sinus rhythm.
2005 (Contents)
Isolated LBBB, RBBB, bifascicular block, 1st degree AV block, and 2nd degree AV block-Type 1 have NOT been shown to progress to complete heart block intraoperatively or postoperatively.
2nd degree AV block-Type 2 (either intermittent or constant) and 3rd degree AV block carry a high surgical risk of cardiac arrest. These problems require pacemaker placement.
*Cardiac pacemakers themselves do not increase operative risk, as long as they are functioning properly.
* A note regarding Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) devices. As a general rule, these should be deactivated just prior to surgery and re-activated postop. The newer ICD models are deactivated by placing an overlying magnet, and then instantly re-activated by removing the magnet. If unsure of a particular ICD, the manufacturer can be contacted for technical support or a cardiologist experienced with ICD's may be able to manage instead. (For the Bellflower Medical Center / Tricentral service area, Dr. Naheed Olsen is the cardiologist in charge of the ICD clinic and would be the physician to contact.)