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First Chinese Baptist Church,
Fountain Valley, California

"Equipping of the Saints for the Work of the Ministry"  (Ephesians 4:12)

Welcome                                                       Click here to enter   FCBCFV HomePage

It is our prayer that God would use our church to enrich your life and ours as we celebrate the greatness and the majesty of our God. As you read about who we are and what we stand for, our hope is that you will sense that Jesus Christ is the core of all that we are and do. He is the subject of our worship and study and the object of our praise and service. Our doors are open to all who seek to know, love and serve the Lord and to walk with Him. As Christian believers, we have the privilege of knowing Him and living our lives in a way that will honor God. If you are looking for a church family that desires to live for God and will demonstrate His love by working together, then please come and visit us.

We look forward to getting to know you better.

The Family of First Chinese Baptist Church, Fountain Valley

Dr. Murphy Lum (Senior Pastor),
Pastor Andrew Ho (Assistant Pastor),
Pastor Howard Hsieh (Assistant Pastor)

16835 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley, California 92708

Ph: (714) 964-3697; 964-6899
Fax: (714) 964-2160

  First Chinese Baptist Church, Fountain Valley, California

Our mission is to develop mature disciples of Christ  through proclaming, baptizing, teaching, and training. (Matthew 28:19-20)
  16835 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley, California 92708

Ph:(714)964-6899; 964-3697