Q-Notes for Adult Medicine

The Secret to enjoying medicine lies in caring for your patients.  
F. Peabody

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 This personal  Q-Notes for Adult Medicine  for physicians is designed as a quick reminder or review of some common topics in adult medicine.  It is not meant to be a comprehensive medical text book.   It is a personal collection of medical information from available medical resources.  Final clinical decisions should be based on the current, standard, & evidence-based medical information.  Please check standard drug books for proper drug dosages.   Any helpful suggestions & contribution to improve the usefulness of this Q-Notes for Adult Medicine are welcomed.

DL  2006  -   Contact  DL

   Table of Contents  |  Drugs  | Med News & Journals | Guidelines & Textbooks  |  Diff-Dx  | Resource |    
This Q-Notes  for Adult Medicine is for personal use only.  The author assumes no responsibility for the consequences, direct or indirect, from the use of this personal notes by other users.  

The information provided in this personal notes should not take the place of advice and guidance from your own health-care providers. Be sure to check with your doctor about changes in your treatment plan.