ID |
Trigeminal Neuralgia REF:
H & P |
Diff-Dx | Rx
Consider the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) in patients
with unilateral face pain of an electric shock-like or shooting quality that
lasts less than one minute, is paroxysmal with pain-free intervals, and is
triggered by light touch.
Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common craniofacial pain syndrome of neuropathic
origin. The diagnosis remains based exclusively on history and
Duration of pain
Seconds to minutes (trigeminal neuralgia)
20 minutes to a few hours (migraine variants)
Continuous (atypical facial pain)
Quality of pain
Electric-like (trigeminal neuralgia)
Throbbing (migraine variants)
Gnawing, aching (atypical facial pain)
Crawling, itching, burning (dysesthetic pain)
Triggers of pain
Light touch, talking, or eating (trigeminal neuralgia)
Spontaneous (trigeminal neuralgia)
Coughing or swallowing (vagoglossopharyngeal neuralgia)
Light or sound (migraine variants)
Worsened by emotional stress (atypical facial pain)
Heat, coldness, or pressure on the teeth (dental pain)
Location of pain
Distributed trigeminally (usually second or third divisions), either alone
or in combination (trigeminal neuralgia)
First division pain around the eye or forehead occurs in 10%-20% of patients
(12015844), often with pain in other parts of the face, usually mid-cheek
and upper lip or teeth (trigeminal neuralgia)
Usually unilateral (trigeminal neuralgia)
In 5%-10% of patients with trigeminal neuralgia only (3598670), and in 11%-20%
of patients with trigeminal neuralgia and MS, pain sometimes is on the other
side of the face but it is almost never simultaneously bilateral (trigeminal
Simultaneous bilateral face pain (atypical facial pain)
Distribution of the first division of the trigeminal nerve (postherpetic
Back of throat, front of neck, or deep in the ear (vagoglossopharyngeal
Frequency of pain
Often episodic; weeks or months of remission may be followed by similar periods
of pain (trigeminal neuralgia)
Severity of pain
Varies from mild to severe (trigeminal neuralgia)
Refractory period of pain after stimulation of the trigger area (cannot
elicit pain again by touching or pushing immediately after a painful attack)
Likelihood ratio: positive, 9.5%; negative, 0.05%
Highly predictive of trigeminal neuralgia; a person with this refractory
period of pain is ~9 times more likely to have trigeminal neuralgia than
irreversible plupitis
Skin vesicles suggest herpetic infection, which may result in postherpetic
Nasal discharge
Foul odor may indicate sinus disease
Other neurologic symptoms
Numbness or weakness of arms or legs may be present with MS
Brief loss of vision in one eye may occur with optic neuritis and MS
Impaired balance may suggest MS or possibly a brain tumor
Decreased hearing or facial weakness on the side of face, pain may occur
with a brain tumor, such as acoustic neurinoma
Physical Exam
Neurologic exam
Usually normal (trigeminal neuralgia)
Noninvasive, quantitative somatosensory tests showed abnormalities in 15
of 26 patients with idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia
May have impaired sensation if previous surgery, MS (multiple sclerosis),
viral (herpes zoster), or brain tumor
Weakness of arms or legs, imbalance, or incoordination may reflect MS, especially
in a younger patient
Dental exam
May reveal dental pathology
Pain with opening and closing the mouth may suggest temporomandibular joint
ENT exam
Tenderness to firm pressure over the mid-cheek or forehead may be present
with sinus disease
Laboratory Tests
Consider administering carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine as a diagnostic maneuver.
Consider obtaining an MRI head scan to identify another condition causing
trigeminal neuralgia, such as a brain tumor, MS, or vascular compression.
Differential Diagnosis
of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Consider the diagnosis of vagoglossopharyngeal neuralgia
when unilateral paroxysmal pain involves the throat, back of the
tongue, ear, or anterior aspect of the neck.
Consider the diagnosis of MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
if the patient is under age 45 and has bilateral trigeminal
neuralgia or other neurologic abnormalities.
Consider the possibility of a brain tumor
in a patient with trigeminal neuralgia if there are abnormalities in function
of the fifth, seventh, or eighth cranial nerves.
Consider atypical trigeminal neuralgia
in a patient with paroxysmal triggered face pain and constant, nontriggered
face pain.
Consider atypical facial pain when pain is constant, not triggered, often
bilateral, and is not trigeminally distributed in a patient who claims to
have severe pain but does not appear to be in severe pain.
Differential Diagnosis of Trigeminal
Dental pain
Often provoked by hot, cold, or pressure stimuli
Requires direct exam of dental structures
Sinus disease
Tenderness over the sinus (mid cheek, maxillary), supraorbital (frontal)
Often with purulent secretion in the nasal cavity
Temporomandibular joint disease
Increased discomfort with use of chewing muscles
Tenderness of these muscles and of the temporomandibular joint
Often associated with a psychological disorder
Abnormal mandibular range of motion (<35 mm males, <30 mm females)
(Drangsholt M, J Evid Base Dent Pract, 2001)
Postherpetic neuralgia
Eye and forehead usually involved, often with skin rash and vesicles during
the acute onset
Usually analgesic or hypoalgesic on exam
Tricyclic antidepressants may be the most effective drugs
Vascular dysfunction (migraine variants)
Pain lasts longer than trigeminal neuralgia, usually from 20 minutes to a
few hours
Lower half face pains may be throbbing and associated with nausea and photophobia
Upper face pain, usually in men, in the orbit and cheek may be associated
with conjunctival congestion, lacrimation, ptosis or myosis, facial sweating
and erythema (cluster headache)
Often respond to antimigraine medicines. See module Migraine
Inflammatory vascular disease (temporal arteritis)
Throbbing, aching along the scalp arteries
Sometimes with visual impairment
Elevated sedimentation rate
Responds to steroids
Deafferentation pain
Usually a constant, tightness, itching, crawling, or burning pain in someone
who has had damage to the trigeminal nerve
May respond to antidepressants and/or gabapentin
Atypical trigeminal neuralgia
Paroxysmal, triggered face pain (trigeminal neuralgia) and constant, nontriggered
face pain
The trigeminal neuralgia component often responds to trigeminal neuralgia
drugs and surgeries; the constant pain component does not
Results of neurosurgical treatment for atypical trigeminal neuralgia are
less good than for trigeminal neuralgia
The constant pain may be caused by deafferentation or may be without a clearly
defined cause, as is usually the case with atypical facial pain
Vagoglossopharyngeal neuralgia
Pain in the ear, throat, back of the tongue or front of the neck
Much less common than trigeminal neuralgia
May coexist with trigeminal neuralgia
Responds to carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, or surgery
Atypical facial pains
Usually continuous pain, often bilaterally, not trigeminally distributed,
not triggered by light touch
Responds to antidepressants and not carbamazepine
Low-dose amitriptyline (30 mg qhs) was more effective than placebo after
4 weeks of treatment in patients with chronic oral-facial pain (not trigeminal
neuralgia). The pain reduction was independent of its effects on depression
70% of patients were women; average age of onset was 44.5 years, which was
10.5 years younger than patients with trigeminal neuralgia
Non-drug Therapy
Although there are no known nonsurgical therapies that influence the course
of trigeminal neuralgia, suggest certain maneuvers that may make the condition
more tolerable.
Avoid situations that may trigger face pain, and try certain maneuvers that
may provide temporary relief.
Teach patients who have trigeminal denervation, such as from
neurosurgical procedures, to take precautions
against accidentally injuring themselves.
Consider neurosurgical intervention for
patients with trigeminal neuralgia for whom medical therapy has failed.
Drug Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia
(Agent | Mechanism of Action | Dosage | Benefits | Side
Effects | Notes )
Consider long-term drug treatment for prevention of further attacks of trigeminal
Consider no treatment for mild and infrequent pain.
Consider oxcarbazepine or carbamazepine as the drug of choice for treating
trigeminal neuralgia.
Consider alternate drugs, either alone or in combination.
Sodium-channel modulator - Antiepileptic drug
100 mg bid (200 mg/d)
Add up to 200 mg/d in increments of 100 mg every 12 hr. Maximum dose, 1200
mg per 24 hrs. The long-acting (XR) form is given bid; the regular form is
given bid, tid, or qid
Greatest pain relief. Most evidence confirming benefit
Side Effects: Many. Aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis are rare, but can
be fatal. Commonly causes dizziness, drowsiness, unsteadiness, and
cognitive impairment; Rash; Hyponatremia; Many drug interactions
Monitor for anemia, neutropenia, and/or thrombocytopenia as well as for liver
function test abnormalities.
Monitor carbamazepine blood level
Available in tablet, chewable, suspension, and long-acting forms
Effectiveness shown on randomized, controlled trials
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)
Sodium-channel modulator, calcium-channel modulator. Antiepileptic
300 mg po bid. Maximum total daily dose of 2400 mg when given as monotherapy
Pain relief similar to carbamazepine, but has fewer side effects or drug
Dizziness, diplopia, ataxia, nausea, somnolence, headache, hyponatremia (more
often than with carbamazepine); Rash in 25% of patients who develop a rash
from carbamazepine
300 mg of oxcarbazepine is equivalent to 200 mg of carbamazepine
Monitor serum sodium, especially in patients receiving other drugs, such
as diuretics, that can also cause hyponatremia
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Antiepileptic drug
300 mg po tid. Maximum daily dose of 3600 mg
Few side effects and fewest drug interactions
Somnolence, dizziness, ataxia, fatigue, nystagmus, tremor
Good for adjunctive treatment with other antiepileptic drugs
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Antiepileptic drug, sodium-channel modulator
100 mg po tid, or 300 mg once per day
Comes in an intravenous form
Many drug interactions ; Ataxia, slurred speech, rash
Monitor blood levels
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
Antiepileptic drug, sodium-channel modulator
25 mg bid for first 2 weeks. 50 mg bid for weeks 3 and 4. Then increase by
100 mg/d every 1-2 weeks. Usual maintenance dose, 300-500 mg/d
A dose of 25 mg/d, increasing by 25 mg every third day, to a maximum of 400
mg/d, has been used for patients with trigeminal neuralgia
Pain relief proportional to daily dosage (400 mg maximum) and to drug plasma
Rash; may be severe; Many drug interactions ; Dizziness, incoordination,
vomiting; Dose escalation must be slow
Stop at first sign of a rash ; Slow build-up of dose is a drawback
Possible added risk of rash when taken with valproic acid
Pain relief is proportional to dose and drug levels
Effectiveness shown on randomized, controlled trial
Baclofen (Lioresal)
Antispasmodic ; Structurally similar to gabapentin
5-10 mg po tid. Increase by 10 mg every other day until 60-80 mg daily
Few drug interactions
Ataxia, lethargy
Possibly synergistic with carbamazepine
Benefit shown on randomized, controlled trial
Narcotics (none has been shown to be
more effective than others)
Can be given intravenously
Side effects: Many
Not usually of value See module Pain