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How to Buy a PDA
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Ready to get your life in order? Then a personal digital assistant could be the right gadget for you. These small, lightweight devices can keep track of your appointments, phone numbers, and all the things you have to get done. PDAs can also keep you amused with games, music, video, and even phone calls.

The Big Picture
PDAs range from simple devices with a small amount of memory and black and white screens to powerful devices with lots of memory and high-resolution color screens. We discuss the main options you need to think about, such as PDA operating systems and how much memory you need.  more

The Specs Explained
We'll clear up the mysteries about screen resolution and internal versus external memory--and tell you how important each feature is to your purchase.  more

PDA Shopping Tips
How much memory does your personal digital assistant need? Should you buy a color or monochrome screen? What about the different operating systems? Find the answers to these questions and more in PC World's buying advice.  more

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Photograph by: Rick Rizner

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