See Thyroid Storm
| Graves
disease | Thyroiditis
| Thyrotoxic_paralysis (Mayo
2005) |
DX |
| Diff-Dx
ACP PIER 2006 |
More than 80% of the hyperthyroidism cases
are caused by Graves disease.
Screening Tests:
* Patients with a low or
undetectable TSH and an elevated FT4 have overt
* Patients with a low or undetectable TSH and a
normal FT4 have subclinical hyperthyroidism and
have increased risk for atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis.
Diagnostic Approach to Thyrotoxicosis
Classification of Thyrotoxicosis Based on Serum
TSH screening test
in patients with symptoms of thyrotoxicosis or conditions associated
with thyrotoxicosis
Suppressed TSH
Elevated 24 hr RAIU (>30%)
Toxic MNG - multinodular goiter
AFTN - autonomously functioning thyroid nodule
HCG - producing tumor (human chorionic gonadotropin)
Normal 24 hr RAIU (15-30%)
Toxic MNG - multinodular goiter
AFTN - autonomously functioning thyroid nodule
Mild Graves' disease
Suppressed 24 hr RAIU (<15%)
| See
Subacute thyroiditis
Silent thyroiditis
Surreptitious T4 or T3 usage
Consider central hypothyroidism
Normal TSH - Thyroid disease unlikely
Elevated TSH
Consider discordant TSH secretion
Thyroid hormone resistance
TSH- producing pituitary tumors
Classification of Thyrotoxicosis Based on Radioactive
Iodine Uptake
High RAIU = radioactive iodine uptake
Common causes
Uncommon causes
HCG-mediated (choriocarcinoma)
TSH-secreting pituitary tumor
Amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (non-thyroiditis)
Low RAIU = radioactive iodine uptake
Common causes
Uncommon causes
Laboratory and Other Studies
for Thyrotoxicosis
TSH if Suspected thyrotoxicosis
FT4 if Suppressed TSH
FT3 or T3 if Suppressed TSH, normal FT4
Thyroglobulin & ESR if Suspected thyroiditis
TSH-receptor antibodies if Euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy,
Assessing remission during antithyroid drug therapy in Graves' disease; Assessing
neonatal risk in pregnant patients with Graves' disease
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies if Confirming Hashimoto's thyroiditis
and autoimmune thyroid disease in general (including Graves' disease); Assessing
risk for drug-induced thyroid dysfunction and postpartum thyroiditis
Thyroglobulin antibodies (anti-Tg antibodies) if Excluding thyroglobulin
antibody interference in serum thyroglobulin measurement in patients with
thyroid cancer
Thyroid hormone antibodies (anti-T4 and anti-T3 antibodies) if
Investigation of incongruous thyroid hormone and TSH results (spuriously
high FT4 and FT3) in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis
RAIU = radioactive iodine uptake if Confirmed biochemical thyrotoxicosis
Thyroid scan if Confirmed biochemical thyrotoxicosis
Whole body scan if Suspected struma ovarii
Color Doppler ultrasonography if Differentiating Graves' disease from
destruction-induced thyroiditis
HCG if Choriocarcinoma
Use radioactive uptake and other imaging tests to determine the etiology
of hyperthyroidism.
Obtain an RAIU measurement to distinguish
between causes of thyrotoxicosis with a low or high incorporation of
iodine into thyroid hormone.
Obtain 123I or 99Tc
scanning to look for AFTN or multinodular goiter.
Consider using thyroid ultrasound
to document AFTN size and to determine change in dominant nodules within
a multinodular goiter over time.
Consider ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration
biopsy on nonfunctional nodules >1 cm in TMNG or any nodule
with suspicious characteristics on ultrasound in patients with Graves'
DX |
| Diff-Dx |
hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis) in patients with the following history &
physical signs.
HISTORY in Thyrotoxicosis
Nervousness 99%, Increased sweating 91%, Heat intolerance 89%, Palpitations
89%, Fatigue 88%, Weight loss 85%, Weight gain 5-10%, Tachycardia 82%, Dyspnea
75%, Weakness 70%, Leg swelling 65%, Eye complaints 54%, Hyperdefecation
33%, Menstrual irregularity 22%, Emotional lability 30-60%
PHYSICAL EXAM in Thyrotoxicosis
Tachycardia 100%, Goiter 100%, Skin changes 97%, Tremor 97%, Bruit 77%, Eye
signs 30-45%, Atrial fibrillation 10%, Splenomegaly 10%, Gynecomastia 10%
HISTORY specific to subacute thyroiditis
Neck pain 91%, Radiation to ears 64%, Sore throat 36%, Malaise 84%, Recent
upper respiratory illness 18%, Anorexia 18%, Myalgias 12%, Nervousness 46%,
Perspiration 46%
PHYSICAL EXAM specific to subacute thyroiditis
Thyroid firm in consistency 100%, Bilateral thyroid enlargement 45%, Appearing
acutely ill 50%, Fever 57%, Eye signs 11%
PHYSICAL EXAM specific to
Ophthalmopathy - Refers to soft tissue inflammation, proptosis,
extraocular muscle dysfunction, and optic neuropathy; stare and lid lag
are nonspecific findings in thyrotoxicosis.
Diffuse thyroid enlargement - Rare nodular forms of Graves'
disease (Marine-Lenhart variety) exist
Graves' dermopathy - Localized myxedema may occur anywhere in
the body but is most frequently seen in the pretibial region and the hands
Thyroid acropachy - Soft tissue enlargement of the fingers with
Vitiligo and premature hair graying - Suggestive of organ-specific
Thyroid bruit - there was one case in which a large autonomous nodule
was associated with a bruit, presumably resulting from compression of the
ipsilateral carotid artery
DX |
| Diff-Dx |
Diagnosis or Causes of Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)
Elevated FT4, suppressed TSH
disease - Thyroid scan homogeneous
Toxic multinodular goiter - Thyroid scan heterogeneous
Autonomous hot nodules - Hot focus on
Subacute thyroiditis - No visible thyroid uptake on scan
| See Painful subacute
Postpartum thyroiditis - May
be followed by hypothyroid phase
Surreptitious/iatrogenic - May involve LT4 or LT3 ingestion
Struma ovarii - Increased pelvic uptake on whole body scan
TSH-producing pituitary tumor - Alpha-subunit elevated; flat
response on TRH stimulation
TSH excess due to TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas
or pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone
is a very rare cause of hyperthyroidism; clinical suspicion of hyperthyroidism
is important because TSH measurement alone is misleading. (TSH concentration
is normal or high.)
Hyperemesis gravidarum - increased HCG, nuclear medicine
testing contraindicated
Choriocarcinoma, testicular tumor - marked increased HCG
Amiodarone-induced - Two distinct types of thyrotoxicosis
Metastatic thyroid cancer - Prior thyroidectomy in most patients
Normal FT4, suppressed TSH
Subclinical thyrotoxicosis - RAIU may be high normal
Recent thyrotoxicosis - After treatment for Grave's disease
Central hypothyroidism - FT4 may be low or normal
Recovery from thyroiditis - TSH may be low, normal, or elevated
Corticosteroid therapy - Suppressive effect on thyroiditis
Nonthyroidal illness - TSH may be low, normal, or elevated
Dopamine therapy - Suppressive effect on thyroiditis
Causes of Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)
A. Common causes:
disease (diffuse toxic goiter)
- High RAIU = radioactive iodine uptake
Toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer's disease)
Toxic uninodular goiter (toxic adenoma)
T3 toxicosis
B. Less common causes:
Excess thyroid hormone intake (factitious thyrotoxicosis)
Thyroiditis: - Low RAIU = radioactive iodine
a. Subacute
b. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
c. Silent
Hyperthyroidism due to exogenous iodide (Job Basedow phenomenon)
C. Uncommon causes:
Metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma
Malignancy: lymphoma, other met to thyroid, other malignancy with circulating
thyroid stimulators: testicle embryonal Ca, ChorioCa & hydatidiform mole,
other malignancy
Pituitary: TSH producing pit. tumor, acromegaly, selective pituitary resistance
to thyroid hormone
Struma ovarii with hyperthyroidism - marked
increased HCG
D. Disorders that can simulate thyrotoxicosis:
- elevated 24 h uriine metanephrines
Mitral valve prolapse
Chronic pulm. disease
Diabetes mellitus
Hepatic cirrhosis
Myeloproliferative disorders
Drugs stimulant effects
Causes of Thyrotoxicosis (Thyrotoxicosis)
based on Increased Thyroid Hormone Production
Dependent on Increased Thyroid Hormone Production
Dependent on increased occupancy of the TSH receptor by:
Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI):
disease , Hashitoxicosis
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): Hydatiform mole, Choriocarcinoma
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): TSH-producing pituitary tumor
Autonomous overproduction of thyroid hormone (independent of TSH)
Toxic adenoma (TSH receptor mutant)
Toxic multinodular goiter
Follicular cancer (rare)
Jod-Basedow effect (excess iodine-induced hyperthyroidism)
Independent of Increased Thyroid Hormone Production
Increased thyroid hormone release
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (painful)
Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis (painless)
Nonthyroidal source of thyroid hormone
Thyrotoxicosis factitia
"Hamburger" thyrotoxicosis
Ectopic production by:
Ovarian teratoma (struma ovarii)
Metastasis of follicular cancer
REF: Goldman: Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 22nd ed.,
2004 |
DX | LAB |
SX | RX |
Diff-Dx |
Disorders or
Complications Caused or Aggravated by Thyrotoxicosis
Bone and mineral: Osteoporosis, Hypercalcemia, Hyperphosphatemia
Cardiac: Atrial dysrhythmia, Arial fibrillation, Premature atrial
contractions, Congestive heart failure
Respiratory: Dyspnea due to respiratory muscle fatigue
Neuromuscular: Myopathy, Myasthenia gravis, Periodic paralysis
Psychiatric disturbance: Psychosis, Anxiety disorder
Reproductive: Amenorrhea, Infertility, Spontaneous abortion
DX | LAB |
SX | RX |
Diff-Dx |
Recognize the manifestations of thyroid
storm before it is too late.
Thermoregulatory: Severe hyperpyrexia
Central nervous system: Confusion, Agitation, Delirium, Psychosis, Extreme
lethargy, Coma, Seizure
Gastrointestinal/hepatic: Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting, Abdominal pain,
Unexplained jaundice
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, Atrial dysrhythmia, Thromboembolic events,
Congestive heart failure
Recognize the precipitants of thyroid storm
Rapid rise in thyroid hormone levels Thyroid surgery
Withdrawal of antithyroid drugs
Radioiodine therapy
Thyroid palpation
Iodinated contrast dyes
Massive thyroid hormone overdose
Acute or subacute nonthyroidal illness Nonthyroid surgery
Pulmonary embolism
Parturition (labor)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Emotional stress
Initiate prompt intensive four-prong treatment
for thyroid storm and impending thyroid storm:
Therapy against the thyroid
Inhibition of new hormone synthesis: Propylthiouracil, methimazole
Inhibition of thyroid hormone release: Iodine (saturated solution of potassium
iodide [SSKI], Lugol's solution, Ipodate)
Therapy against the peripheral effects of thyroid hormone
Blocking T4-to-T3 conversion: Propylthiouracil, Corticosteroids (dexamethasone
> hydrocortisone), Propranolol, Iopanoic acid
Beta-adrenergic blockade: Propranolol
Removal of excess thyroid hormone (rarely required): Plasmapheresis,
Charcoal plasma perfusion
Treating systemic decompensation
Treatment of hyperthermia: Acetaminophen, Cooling blankets
Correction of dehydration: Intravenous fluid
Correction of nutritional deficit :Glucose, thiamine
Supportive care: Corticosteroids, Vasopressors
Treatment of congestive heart failure
Intensive care unit monitoring: Consider in all cases
Treating the precipitating event
Treatment depends on cause Empiric antibiotics not recommended in the absence
of evidence for infection
Drugs Used in Thyroid Storm
Anti-thyroid drugs: Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis
Propylthiouracil (PTU) Load PO 600-1000 mg; then 200-250 mg q
4 -6h - Propylthiouracil preferred or
Methimazole (Tapazole) PO 20 mg q 4 h - Propylthiouracil preferred
Consider invasive monitoring if used in patients in congestive heart failure
Propranolol PO 60-80 mg q 4 h, or
Esmolol (IV infusion) 250-500 ug/Kg IV loading dose, then 50-100 ug/kg·min
continuous infusion
Do not start until 1 hr after starting antithyroid drugs
Iopanoic acid 500-1000 mg qd. Blocks T4-to-T3 conversion.
Saturated solution of potassium iodide 5 drops q 6 h. Blocks thyroid
hormone release and new hormone synthesis
Lugol's Solution 8 drops q 6 h.
Lithium carbonate 300 mg q 6 h .
Adjust dose to maintain therapeutic range; questionable benefit beyond iodine.
Hydrocortisone 300 mg IV loading followed by 100 mg q 8 h Also decreases
T4-to-T3 conversion.
* Equivalent doses of dexamethasone are also efficacious
of Hyperthyroidism
- the type of treatment being determined by the cause & type of
hyperthyroidism, the age & preference of the patient,
the size of the goiter or nodule, and the presence of coexisting
Thyroidectomy or subthyroidectomy
Permanent scar; Permanent hypothyroidism likely; Potential injury to parathyroids
and recurrent laryngeal nerve
131I radiation therapy 10-30 mCi
RAI therapy for Graves' disease is safe and effective. Hypothyroidism occurs
over time in about 75% of patients.
Permanent hypothyroidism likely; Requires delay in pregnancy (6-12 months)
and breast feeding; May precipitate new or worsened ophthalmopathy;
Slight risk of thyroid storm after treatment
* Select radioiodine as primary therapy for thyrotoxicosis due to Graves'
disease, toxic multinodular goiter, or autonomously functioning thyroid nodules
and in patients failing to achieve a remission after a course of antithyroid
Anti-thyroid drugs:
Adverse drug effects; Low cure rate (approximately 33%-50%)
* Use antithyroid drugs for primary therapy of thyrotoxicosis, for attainment
of euthyroidism in preparation for thyroidectomy, and for use in conjunction
with radioiodine therapy in selected patients.
To inhibit new thyroid hormone production:
Use methimazole (Tapazole), 10 to 40
mg once daily for most patients, or 5-10 mg PO tid, up to 20 mg tid.
Use propylthiouracil (PTU) 100-150 mg
tid , up to 200-400 mg tid if needed for patients with allergy to methimazole
(except agranulocytosis), who are pregnant or breast feeding, or have severe
thyrotoxicosis or thyroid storm.
As primary therapy, use antithyroid drugs alone for 12 to 18 months
Monitor for hepatic dysfunction and
* Propylthiouracil associated with liver failure, death
6-4-2009 FDA Alert
Propylthiouracil carries the risk of serious liver injury, including liver
failure and death, in adult and pediatric patients, the FDA said last week
in a safety alert.
[Posted 06/04/2009] FDA notified healthcare professionals of the risk of
serious liver injury, including liver failure and death, with the use of
propylthiouracil in adult and pediatric patients. Reports to FDAs Adverse
Event Reporting System (AERS) suggest there is an increased risk of
hepatotoxicity with proplythiouracil when compared to methimazole. FDA has
identified 32 (AERS) cases (22 adult and 10 pediatric) of serious liver injury
associated with propylthiouracil use. Although both proplythiouracil and
methimazole are indicated for the treatment of hyperthyroidism due to
Graves disease, healthcare professionals should carefully consider
which drug to initiate in a patient recently diagnosed with Graves
disease. Physicians should closely monitor patients on propylthiouracil therapy
for symptoms and signs of liver injury, especially during the first six months
after initiation of therapy. Propylthiouracil should not be used in pediatric
patients unless the patient is allergic to or intolerant of methimazole,
and there are no other treatment options available.
- Healthcare Professional Sheet - FDA]
Supportive medications:
Beta blockers
Propranolol or Atenolol provide
symptomatic relief, when necessary, in all types of hyperthyroidism.
Consider anti-inflammatory therapy in patients
with thyrotoxicosis due to thyroiditis, as Prednisone 40-60 mg/d, rapid relief
of thyroiditis pain, for thyroiditis only.
Naproxen PO 500 mg bid for thyroiditis only.
Potential Indications for Thyroidectomy in Patients
with Thyrotoxicosis
Large goiter -Radioiodine is less effective in this setting, although
repeated treatments are ultimately effective.
Cold nodule in Graves' disease - Nodules with indeterminate
biopsies or inaccessible to biopsy are best addressed surgically.
Active ophthalmopathy - Antithyroid drugs are preferred until eye disease
is quiescent; thyroidectomy may be used in patients with antithyroid drug
Patient aversion to radioiodine - Applies to patients with antithyroid
drug failure or allergy.
Toxic adenoma - A large adenoma or radiotracer uptake in the extranodular
portions of the thyroid makes radioiodine problematic due to a persistent
cosmetic defect and hypothyroidism, respectively.
Pregnancy with allergy to antithyroid drugs - Patients with progressive
thyrotoxicosis and a history of a major side effect from antithyroid drugs.
Refractory thyroiditis - Refractory amiodarone thyroiditis, rare cases
of non-remitting subacute thyroiditis.