Hemachromatosis |
REF: ACP-PIER 2008 |
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Serum iron (transferrin) saturation
>45-50%, or ferritin >200-250 ug/ml
in female or >300-350 ug/ml in male
Liver biopsy
Genetic testing: C282Y/C282Y homozygous or C282Y/H63D compound heterozygous
HFE genotypes to be diagnostic of hemochromatosis
Consider deferoxamine (parenteral iron
EXJADE® (deferasirox), an iron chelating
agent indicated for the treatment of chronic iron overload due to blood
transfusions (transfusional hemosiderosis) in patients 2 years of age and
EXJADE is available as 125-mg, 250-mg, and 500-mg tablets for oral suspension.
hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder of iron metabolism (HFE
gene C282Y mutation genetic screening) resulting in excessive iron overload
and is associated with clinically significant morbid and fatal complications
related to tissue iron deposition. The morbid complications of hereditary
hemochromatosis are the result of tissue deposition, and they develop late
in its course. They include arthritis, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart
failure, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver iron deposition
with cirrhosis is associated with reduced survival.
The estimated prevalence of hereditary hemochromatosis is 1 in 200 persons
to 1 in 250 persons in the general population (The prevalence of hemochromatosis
is much lower in nonwhite populations), making hereditary hemochromatosis
one of the most common genetic disorders. Using strict criteria, we
found that the prevalence of hereditary hemochromatosis within a primary
care setting was 0.18% to 0.59% (1 in 169 patients screened to 1 in 556 patients
In a prospective study of biochemical screening for hemochromatosis, random
transferrin saturation >62% represented a false-positive value 81% of
the time when compared to fasting transferrin saturation levels.
Recognize elements
of the medical history that suggest manifestations of hemochromatosis.
Ask about:
Abdominal pain
Symptoms of chronic liver disease
Cardiac arrhythmia, Congestive heart failure
Diabetes mellitus
History of previous phlebotomy
Sibling with hemochromatosis
Autosomal recessive disorder
Multi-organ involvement with liver disease, cardiac disease, diabetes,
hypothyroidism, arthritis
Ask about fatigue, abdominal pain, palpitations, dyspnea, polyuria, arthralgias
>4 g iron removed by quantitative phlebotomy
Each unit of blood contains approximately 250 mg iron
Physical Exam:
Skin hyperpigmentation - Usually a late finding ; Skin stigmata of
chronic liver disease, e.g., spider nevi, palmar erythema, jaundice (in
Signs of liver cirrhosis - Ascites, splenomegaly, asterixis
Signs of cardiac arrhythmia or congestive heart failure - Irregular heart
beat, cardiac gallops, jugular venous distension, pulmonary rales
Testicular atrophy - Typically secondary hypogonadism from iron deposition
in pituitary
Degenerative joint changes, especially of the metacarpophalangeal joints;
Other joints involved may include hips, knees, feet, and shoulders
Laboratory Tests:
Transferrin saturation >45-50%
(specificity 94%, specificity 94%) and ferritin
>200 ng/mL in women and >300 ug/L in men - sensitivity 50%,
specificity 87%)
* Ferritin can be falsely elevated as an acute phase reactant.
Liver function tests, blood glucose and HgbA1c, TSH, Testosterone, EKG
C282Y/C282Y homozygous genotype if
transferrin saturation >
Obtain genetic testing for hemochromatosis in patients
with elevated fasting serum transferrin saturation.
Test for HFE genotype in patients with a fasting serum transferrin
saturation greater than 45%.
In patients with elevated serum transferrin saturation and ferritin, consider
C282Y/C282Y homozygous or C282Y/H63D compound heterozygous HFE
genotypes to be diagnostic of hemochromatosis.
Recognize that a nondiagnostic genotype does not rule out a diagnosis of
Consider a liver biopsy for patients with elevated serum transferrin
saturation and ferritin who lack a diagnostic HFE genotype.
Note that C282Y/C282Y homozygous and C282Y/H63D compound heterozygous genotypes
do not necessarily imply phenotypic hemochromatosis and must be interpreted
in the context of serum iron studies, hepatic iron quantitation, or both.
Exclude causes
of secondary iron overload in the evaluation of a patient with suspected
In patients being evaluated for iron overload:
Ask about history of blood transfusions
Ask about parenteral or oral iron supplementation
Ask about a personal or family history of hematologic abnormalities
Ask about alcohol intake
Check a CBC with peripheral smear
Check hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C antibody in patients with
elevated serum aminotransferases or risk factors for viral hepatitis
Assess risk factors for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, such as diabetes mellitus,
hypertriglyceridemia, and obesity
Management of
Non-drug Therapy
Begin a course of phlebotomy treatment
- weekly or biweekly induction phlebotomy of one unit whole
blood to deplete iron stores in patients with hemochromatosis.
Check hemoglobin or spun hematocrit before each phlebotomy session.
When the equivalent of hemoglobin <13 g/dL in men or <11.5 g/dL in
women is reached, stop phlebotomy and check serum ferritin;
the target serum ferritin is <50
After induction of iron depletion, check serum ferritin approximately every
3 months, with phlebotomy as needed to maintain
serum ferritin <50 ng/mL for life (maintenance
Recognize that there is no clinical utility for ongoing measurements of serum
transferrin saturation in patients undergoing phlebotomy for hemochromatosis.
Drug Therapy - Deferoxamine 20 -50 mg/kg.d subc
or IV only in patients who cannot tolerate phlebotomy therapy,
such as those with significant anemia.
Consider deferoxamine, a parenteral iron
chelator, to lower body iron levels in selected patients with hemochromatosis.
Not as effective as phlebotomy in removing iron. Use only in patients who
cannot tolerate phlebotomy.
In patients with life-threatening complications such as severe heart failure
or arrhythmias, consider a combination of deferoxamine
and phlebotomy to maximize the rate of iron reduction.
Diagnosis of Hemochromatosis (Secondary Causes of Iron Overload)
Secondary iron overload
Parenteral or transfusional iron loading
Ineffective erythropoiesis, increased red cell turnover, or both
Thalassemia major, sideroblastic anemia, hereditary spherocytosis
Patients may have excessive intestinal iron absorption as well as a history
of frequent blood transfusions
Chronic viral hepatitis - Chronic hepatitis B or C
Chronic viral hepatitis is often associated with mild to moderate iron overload
Alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Steatohepatitis is often associated with mild to moderate iron overload
Previous Portal Caval Shunting
Screening Primary Care Patients for Hereditary Hemochromatosis with Transferrin
Saturation and Serum Ferritin Level
4 October 2005 | Volume 143 Issue 7 | Pages 522-536