Be aware that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and dietary supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products containing or claiming to contain valerian. Decisions to use herbs or supplements should be carefully considered. Individuals using prescription drugs should discuss taking herbs or supplements with their pharmacists or health care providers before starting.
High cholesterol
A number of studies in humans have examined the effects of garlic on cholesterol
levels. Most of these studies have been brief and have included few people.
Overall, this research suggests that garlic lowers cholesterol levels a small
amount. It is not clear how long its effects may last or what the long-term
effects on health may be. In the future, longer studies with more people
may provide stronger evidence. It should be noted that research using
prescription drugs to lower blood cholesterol levels has shown better results
than research using garlic.
High blood pressure
There are a few studies showing that garlic lowers blood pressure. However,
these studies have been small, low quality and not fully convincing. Better
studies need to be done before garlic can be recommended to treat high blood
Cardiovascular health
Garlic may have positive effects on health problems that may lead to
cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack or stroke. For example, garlic
may lower blood pressure, mildly "thin" the blood (anticoagulate) and reduce
cholesterol levels. Laboratory and animal studies report that garlic may
prevent atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in the arteries). However, there
are no high-quality studies showing that garlic promotes cardiovascular health.
Cancer prevention
Several studies suggest that garlic may reduce the risk of developing cancer
of the stomach or colon. However, these are only early results, and there
are no definitive answers at this time. Studies are being done (many of them
in China) to further investigate the use of garlic for cancer. Other cancers
under examination include breast, head and neck, lung, prostate and urinary
tract cancers.
Infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, other)
In laboratory experiments, garlic has been shown to be effective against
bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses and fungi. Small studies have been conducted
using garlic for acute viral respiratory infections in children. Other studies
have shown that garlic may have some effect on athlete's foot and cryptococcal
meningitis. However, few high-quality studies have been done in humans.
Therefore, there is not enough information to recommend garlic to treat or
prevent infections at this time.
Antiplatelet effects (blood thinning)
The effects of garlic on platelet aggregation have been assessed in several
trials in humans. Although these studies have, overall, been of low quality,
garlic does appear to possess some platelet-inhibiting properties. Dosing,
safety, comparison to other agents, duration of effects, and clinical outcomes
are not known, and the potential benefits of using garlic for this purpose
are not clear. Because garlic has been associated with several cases of bleeding,
therapy should be applied with caution (particularly in patients using other
agents that may precipitate bleeding).
Peripheral vascular disease (blocked arteries in the legs), claudication,
Garlic trials suggest modest short-term reductions in total cholesterol and
low-density lipoprotein levels with oral garlic supplements. Long-term effects
on lipids and atherosclerosis are not clear. There is limited evidence regarding
the effects of garlic in patients with peripheral vascular disease or
claudication. A small number of studies have explored this issue and reported
favorable results, including increased walking distances. However, these
studies have, overall, been poorly designed. There is currently insufficient
evidence demonstrating effects of garlic on peripheral vascular disease,
and further study is needed in this area.
Tick repellant
In early study, self-reports of tick bites were significantly less in people
receiving garlic over a sugar pill.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Garlic has a long history of use in the treatment of various infectious agents,
including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Garlic has shown some effectiveness
in laboratory experiments. However, there is limited available evidence in
Early study results in animals and humans are mixed. Further research is
needed before a conclusion can be drawn.
Stomach ulcers
Several case studies in humans have examined the effects of garlic on
Helicobacter pylori infection, which can cause stomach ulcers, and
found a lack of benefit.
Garlic has been suggested for many other uses, based on tradition or on scientific theories. However, these uses have not been thoroughly studied in humans, and there is limited scientific evidence about safety or effectiveness. Some of these suggested uses are for conditions that are potentially very serious and even life-threatening. You should consult a health care professional before taking garlic for any unproven use.
Abnormal heart rhythms Abortion Age-related memory problems AIDS Allergies Amoeba infections Antibacterial Antioxidant Antitoxin Antiviral Anxiety Aphrodisiac Arthritis Ascaridiasis (worms in the gut or liver) Asthma Athlete's foot Atrophic gastritis Benign breast disease Bile secretion problems Bladder cancer Bloody urine Breast fibromatosis Bronchitis Cholera Colds Coughs Cryptococcal meningitis Cytomegalovirus infection Dental pain Diabetes Diarrhea Digestive aid Diphtheria Diuretic Dysentery Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) Earache Expectorant Fatigue Fever Gallstones Gastric cancer Hair growth Heartburn Heart rhythm disorders Hemorrhoids Hepatopulmonary syndrome HIV |
Hormonal effects Immune system enhancement Improved digestion Induction of vomiting Inflammation Inflammatory bowel disease Influenza Kidney damage from antibiotics Kidney problems Leukemia Liver cancer Liver disease Liver health Lung disease Malaria Mucous thinning Muscle spasms Nephrotic syndrome Obesity Parasites and worms Peptic ulcer disease Perspiration Pneumonia Poor circulation Premenstrual syndrome Prostate cancer Psoriasis Raynaud's disease Ringworm (Tinea corpori, Tinea cruris) Sedative Sinus decongestant Snake venom protection Spermicide Stomach ache Stomach acid reduction Stomach lining protection Stress Stroke Thrush Toothache Traveler's diarrhea Tuberculosis Typhus Urinary tract infections Vaginal infection Warts Well-being Whooping cough Yeast infections |
Side Effects
Pregnancy And Breast-Feeding
Interactions with drugs, supplements and other herbs have not been thoroughly studied. The interactions listed below have been reported in scientific publications. If you are taking prescription drugs, speak with a health care professional or pharmacist before using herbs or dietary supplements.
Interactions With Drugs
Interactions With Herbs And Dietary Supplements
The doses listed below are based on scientific research, publications or traditional use. Because most herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly studied or monitored, safety and effectiveness may not be proven. Brands may be made differently, with variable ingredients even within the same brand. Combination products often contain small amounts of each ingredient and may not be effective. Appropriate dosing should be discussed with a health care professional before starting therapy; always read the recommendations on a product's label. The dosing for unproven uses should be approached cautiously, because scientific information is limited in these areas.
Adults (Aged 18 Or Older)
Raw garlic cloves: A dose of one-half to two raw garlic cloves (two to six grams) up to four times per day has been taken by mouth.
Garlic pills: A dose of 600 to 900 milligrams per day, divided into three doses, has been taken by mouth. The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) recommends three to five milligrams of allicin daily (one clove or 0.5 to one gram of dried powder) for prevention of atherosclerosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends two to five grams of fresh garlic, 0.4 to 1.2 grams of dried powder, two to five milligrams of oil, 300 to 1000 milligrams of extract, or other formulations that are equal to two to five milligrams of allicin daily.
Garlic powder: A dose of 0.4 to 1.2 grams per day, divided into three doses, has been taken by mouth.
Garlic juice: A dose of two to four milliliters three times per day has been taken by mouth.
Garlic syrup: A dose of two to eight milliliters three times per day has been taken by mouth.
Tincture: A dose of two to four milliliters of a tincture (1:5; 45 percent alcohol) three times per day has been taken by mouth.
Children (Younger Than 18): There is not enough scientific evidence to recommend garlic supplements for children at this time. The amounts of garlic found in foods are thought to be safe.
Although garlic has been suggested for many conditions, it has been most studied for high cholesterol, cardiovascular health, high blood pressure, cancer prevention and infections. Scientific research suggests that garlic may lower cholesterol levels a small amount. Garlic has not been proven for any other health condition.
The amount of garlic found in foods is considered safe. When used in larger amounts, you must be careful because of the risk of bleeding. Garlic may also lower blood pressure or blood sugar levels. If you are taking anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood pressure drugs, insulin or other diabetic drugs or if you are pregnant, you should speak with a health care professional or pharmacist before taking garlic supplements. Consult a health care professional immediately if you experience side effects.
The information in this monograph was prepared by the professional staff at Natural Standard, based on thorough systematic review of scientific evidence. The material was reviewed by the Faculty of the Harvard Medical School with final editing approved by Natural Standard.
Selected Scientific Studies: Garlic
Some of the more recent studies are listed below:
Last updated July 12, 2005