Status Epilepticus
REF: UpToDate
2006 | DynaMed
2009 |
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
epilepticus generally refers to the occurrence of a single
unremitting seizure with a duration longer than 30 minutes or frequent
clinical seizures without an interictal return to the baseline clinical
Refractory status epilepticus, defined
as ongoing seizures following first- and second-line drug therapy,
was noted in nearly 30 to 43 % of patients with status epilepticus.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
of Status Epilepticus 2009
REF: DynaMed 2009
at 0-10 min:
Check ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation-
Pulse,BP) , IV line,
O2 supplement;
If suspect hypoglycemia, Thiamine 100mg
IV (esp in thiamine-deficient alcoholic patients), then
IV Glucose 50ml D50W
Consider give thiamine first, 100 mg intravenously, to avoid precipitating
Wernicke disease in thiamine-deficient alcoholic patients.
Stat lab tests: blood glucose, lytes,
CBC, ABG, EKG, anticonvulsant level, toxicology, check oxymetry.
Identify & correct precipitating cause
at 10-20 min:
Ativan/Lorazepam IV ~ 2 to 4 mg bolus over 2 min (0.05-0.1 mg/kg ) to
a max of 8 mg, may repeat every 5 -10 minutes x 2
- can be given in 1-2 mg boluses or as continuous infusion
- if IV unavailable, consider IM route as an option.
Other Options:
Valium/Diazepam IV ~ 5 to 10 mg
every 10-15 min (at rate 2 mg/minute IV ), up to max of 30 mg total
dose or until seizures stop.
- if IV unavailable, consider IM route as an option. May repeat
regimen again in 2 - 4 hours.
Valium/Diazepam gel rectally 15-20 mg (0.2mg/kg)
syringe in pt without IV access.
* It is short-acting 15-20 min.
* If diazepam is used to terminate seizures, a long-acting
Anti-Epilepsy Drugs such as fosphenytoin or phenytoin (on separate IV line)
must be administered.
Even if seizures terminate after the initial lorazepam dose,
therapy with phenytoin or fosphenytoin is generally indicated to prevent
the recurrence of seizures.
* Both of these drugs can cause depression of breathing and even
apnea, so ventilation must be supported, and intubation may be necessary.
Midazolam (Versed) 0.1-0.2 mg/kg IV load slowly
for status epilepticus may be substituted if lorazepam is not
For sedation/anxiolysis/amnesia: the dose is 1
- 2.5 mg (max 5 mg) IV over 2 min.
at 20-35 min:
IV Dilantin/phenytoin 18 mg/kg IV infusion , rate
< 5 mg/kg/minute (Max 50 mg/minute) -
Should Monitor ECG and BP!
For 50 kg patient: 750-1000 mg IV loading; For 60 kg patient:
900-1200 mg IV loading; For 70 kg patient: 1050 mg-1400
mg IV loading.
Other Options:
Fosphenytoin/Cerebyx IV: 1520 mg PE/kg at rate of 100150
mg PE/minute, followed by maintenance doses of fosphenytoin sodium
or parenteral or oral doses of phenytoin.
Concomitant therapy with an IV benzodiazepine usually is necessary for initial
control of status epilepticus. (PE= phenytoin sodium equivalents)
at 35-45 min:
Repeat IV Dilantin/phenytoin 5-10 mg/kg infusion
Daily maintenance dose: 4-6 mg/kg
(Therapeutic level: 10-20 mg/L)
at 45-60 min:
IV Phenobarbital IV 20-25 mg/kg, consider
intubation; may repeat
IV phenobarbital to maximum 40
after 60 min:
ICU, intubate, consider barbiturate coma, EEG monitoring
* 205 adults with repetitive generalized convulsive seizures for > 5 minutes
randomized to Ativan/Lorazepam 2 mg vs.
Valilm/Diazepam 5 mg vs. placebo IV,
second injection given if needed, 59% vs. 43% vs. 21% had termination of
status epilepticus on arrival to emergency department (p = 0.001, NNT 3 for
* Ativan/Lorazepam preferred as more effective than
phenytoin and easier to use than phenobarbital and
Treatment of refractory seizures -
ICU & Call Neurologist for assistance !
If a patient fails to regain consciousness or continues
to have seizures after first-line therapy,
neurologic consultation is required. Such a patient requires urgent &
continuous EEG recording, and anesthesia must be considered. The patient
must be intubated to provide adequate ventilatory support, and appropriate
intensive care monitoring established. Patients are maintained in anesthetic
coma for variable periods.
The first approach to refractory seizures is to
infuse another 10 mg/kg of phenytoin (or 10 mg/kg
PE of fosphenytoin) and consider another
0.05 mg/kg of lorazepam if the patient is stable.
Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
Typically with a loading dose of 5-10 mg/kg
infused slowly at a rate of up to 50 mg/minute. The ultimate
infusion rate is determined by the amount of drug required to terminate status
epilepticus (burst suppression pattern is seen on EEG), but can be
limited by hypotension due to the drug's
adverse inotropic and vasodilatory effects. Vasopressors are almost universally
required during high dose pentobarbital infusions, and pulmonary artery
catheterization may be required to optimize volume status and facilitate
vasopressor management. Use only in
consultation with Neurologist.
20mg/kg at<100mg/min
IV if status epilepticus persists, give until seizure
stops or max. dose of 20mg/kg. Usual initial loading 300-800mg.
Maintenance: 90-120mg/day PO or IV.
* When give phenobarb after Valium,
sedation may result, and apnea is a risk, particularly if the patient
has taken benzodiazepines as Valium or Ativan. Blood pressure monitoring
is critical; hypotension responds to slowing the rate of administration.
Propofol (Diprivan)
1 to 2 mg/kg with 2
to 10 mg/kg/hr, or
Midazolam (Versed) 0.2 mg/kg
administered by slow I.V. bolus injection followed by 0.75 to 10
replacing pentobarbital as the drugs of choice.
Metabolic derangements from initial laboratory studies should be appropriately
The primary drugs used in this setting are
phenobarbital, pentobarbital, midazolam,
and propofol; however, there is no consensus about which should
be used first. A systematic review of drug therapy for refractory status
epilepticus assessed data on 193 patients from 28 trials in an attempt to
clarify this issue. Overall mortality was 48 percent, but there was no
association between drug selection and the risk of death.
Pentobarbital (Nembutal) was more
effective than either propofol or midazolam in preventing breakthrough seizures
(12 versus 42 percent), but was associated with a significantly increased
incidence of hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure below
100 mmHg (77 versus 34 percent).
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
of the more common predisposing factors include:
Antiepileptic drug noncompliance or discontinuation
Withdrawal syndromes associated with the discontinuation of alcohol,
barbiturates, baclofen, or benzodiazepines (particularly alprazolam)
Acute structural injury (eg, encephalitis, tumor, stroke, head trauma,
subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral anoxia or hypoxia)
Remote or longstanding structural injury (eg, prior head injury, cerebral
palsy, previous neurosurgery, perinatal cerebral ischemia, arteriovenous
Metabolic abnormalities (eg, hypoglycemia, hepatic encephalopathy, uremia,
pyridoxine deficiency, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia)
Use of, or overdose with drugs that lower the seizure threshold (eg,
theophylline, imipenem, high dose penicillin G, quinolone antibiotics,
metronidazole, isoniazid, tricyclic antidepressants (especially bupropion),
lithium, clozapine, flumazenil, cyclosporine, lidocaine, bupivacaine,
metrizamide, and, to a lesser extent, phenothiazines)
Chronic epilepsy; status epilepticus may represent part of a patient's underlying
epileptic syndrome (as with the Landau-Kleffner syndrome or Rasmussen's
encephalitis), or may be associated with any of the generalized epilepsies
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
- Generalized tonic-clonic or partial-complex status epilepticus
poses the greatest risk.
The three most common forms of status
epilepticus are:
Simple partial Simple partial status epilepticus
- is characterized by continuous or repeated focal motor seizures
(eg, twitching of one thumb), focal sensory symptoms (eg, the sensation of
flashing lights in one visual field), or cognitive symptoms (eg, aphasia)
without impaired consciousness.
Complex partial Complex partial status
- is characterized by continuous or repeated episodes of focal motor, sensory,
or cognitive symptoms with impaired consciousness, and should be considered
in the differential diagnosis of acute confusional states [20]. Other symptoms,
such as automatisms and behavioral distuy also occur.
Generalized tonic-clonic Generalized tonic-clonic
status epilepticus
- is always associated with impaired consciousness. Tonic-clonic seizures
may be the initial manifestation of status epilepticus, or may represent
secondary generalization from other seizure types.
Less common varieties
In addition to the three major types of status epilepticus listed
above, there are a number of less common but important forms to recognize:
Absence Absence (petit mal) status
epilepticus is characterized by altered awareness, but not necessarily
unconsciousness. Patients are typically confused or stuporous, and there
may be associated myoclonus, eye blinking, perseveration, altered motor
performance, language difficulty, or other symptoms. Absence status epilepticus
typically occurs in patients with chronic epilepsy and frequently requires
EEG for confirmation.
Myoclonic Myoclonic status
epilepticus is characterized by frequent myoclonic jerks in the
setting of altered mental status. This typically occurs in patients with
one of the generalized epilepsies, such as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. The
term has also been applied by some authors to the myoclonus seen in the patient
who has experienced global cerebral ischemia. However, this myoclonus should
not be considered in the same category as myoclonic status epilepticus unless
EEG recordings demonstrate actual seizure activity and not simply a
burst-suppression pattern. Overall, patients with myoclonus and altered
consciousness are far more likely to be suffering from a metabolic encephalopathy
(particularly uremic or hepatic encephalopathy) than from true myoclonic
status epilepticus.
Psychogenic Although relatively
rare, psychogenic status epilepticus should be considered in situations where
there are bilateral motor movements with preserved consciousness. An EEG
recording during one of the patient's typical clinical events can help establish
this diagnosis, although the EEG may also appear relatively normal during
simple partial status epilepticus.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
There are four main categories of drugs used to treat status epilepticus:
phenytoin (or
Other treatments with drugs such as lidocaine, paraldehyde (which is no longer
available in the United States for intravenous infusion), chloral hydrate,
ketamine, carbamazepine, or etomidate are less efficacious or less well studied
and should not be considered part of the routine management of status
epilepticus. Similarly, general anesthesia with isoflurane or other inhalational
agents may be temporarily effective in stopping seizures but is used only
in extreme circumstances because of logistical problems.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
Benzodiazepines remain the first-line treatment for status
epilepticus because they can rapidly control seizures.
Lorazepam (Ativan) IV
0.02 to 0.2 mg/kg the effective initial IV doses
Onset of action: 2 minutes; the effective duration of action against
seizures is as long as 4 to 6 hours.
Diazepam (Valium) IV 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg intravenously
Onset of action: as early as 10 to 20 seconds after
administration; the duration of diazepam's acute anticonvulsant effect
is typically <20 minutes.
- Nonetheless, diazepam remains the drug of first choice in many settings
because it is stable in liquid form for long periods at room temperature.
Therefore, diazepam is available in resuscitation kits in premixed form,
while lorazepam, midazolam, and phenytoin are not. A rectal gel formulation
of diazepam is also marketed and provides rapid delivery when intravenous
access is problematic.
Midazolam (Versed) IV 0.2 mg/kg bolus,
followed by continuous infusion at rates of 0.75 to 10 µg/kg per minute
the effective initial IV doses.
Onset of action: frequently in less than one minute.
- The advantage of midazolam over the other two benzodiazepines is
that its use as a continuous infusion for refractory status epilepticus has
been more thoroughly investigated and is associated with minimal cardiovascular
side effects.
- A continuous midazolam infusion is probably less effective than
high dose barbiturates or propofol for the treatment of refractory status
- Nasally administered midazolam may be useful in the rapid termination
of seizures when IV access is difficult, but additional studies are needed
before this can be recommended.
Clonazepam (Klonopin) PO 0.125 to 0.5 mg 2 to 3
times per day prn anxiety orpanic disorder.
It has effects similar to those of other benzodiazepines,
with a rapidity of onset that is intermediate between that of lorazepam and
that of diazepam. Its duration of activity is more prolonged than that of
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
Phenytoin is one of the most commonly used treatments for status
epilepticus, despite the trial described above which showed that initial
treatment of generalized convulsive status epilepticus with lorazepam alone
was more effective than treatment with diazepam and phenytoin . The principal
advantage of phenytoin derives from its efficacy in preventing the recurrence
of status epilepticus for extended periods of time.
Phenytoin is generally infused at a rate of up to
50 mg/minute to a total dose of 20 mg/kg, but it is critical to
modify the infusion rate in the presence of hypotension or other adverse
cardiovascular events. The risks of hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias increase
with higher infusion rates, partly due to the propylene glycol used to solubilize
phenytoin. In addition, the risks of local pain and injury (including venous
thrombosis and the purple glove syndrome) increase with more rapid rates
of infusion. Cardiac monitoring during the initial infusion is mandatory
because bradyarrhythmias or tachyarrhythmias may occur.
Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx)
Fosphenytoin is a pro-drug of phenytoin that is hydrolyzed
into phenytoin by serum phosphatases. Fosphenytoin is highly water soluble
and therefore unlikely to precipitate during intravenous administration.
The risk of local irritation at the site of infusion is significantly reduced
compared with phenytoin; fosphenytoin can therefore be infused much more
rapidly (up to 150 mg/minute versus 50 mg/min
with phenytoin). In addition, the increased water solubility of
fosphenytoin makes intramuscular (IM) administration possible if intravenous
(IV) access cannot be obtained. However, IM administration will yield less
predictable levels and a longer time to onset of effect than IV administration.
Since propylene glycol is not required to solubilize fosphenytoin,
the cardiovascular side effects of fosphenytoin may be less frequent and
severe than those of phenytoin. However, at least two studies have suggested
that the incidence of adverse hemodynamic effects with fosphenytoin and phenytoin
infusions is similar.
Cardiac monitoring is required during the infusion
of fosphenytoin or phenytoin.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
Barbiturates are similar to benzodiazepines in that they also bind
to the GABA(A) receptor, amplifying the actions of GABA by extending
GABA-mediated chloride channel openings [28]. This process permits an increasing
flow of chloride ions across the membrane, causing neuronal hyperpolarization
(eg, membrane inhibition to depolarization). Phenobarbital and pentobarbital
are the most useful barbiturates in the treatment of status epilepticus.
Phenobarbital is an excellent anticonvulsant, especially
in the acute stage of managing seizures. Various studies have shown a rate
of seizure control of approximately 60 percent when phenobarbital is used
alone; this rate is similar to that seen with lorazepam alone or the combination
of phenytoin and diazepam. Despite its efficacy, phenobarbital is generally
not used as a first-line treatment in adults because it carries a higher
risk of hypoventilation and
hypotension than benzodiazepines or
Initial doses of 20 mg/kg infused at a rate of 30
to 50 mg/minute are generally used, but slower infusion rates
should be used in the elderly. Careful monitoring of respiratory and
cardiac status is mandatory. It is often necessary to intubate patients in
order to provide a secure airway and minimize the risk of aspiration if
phenobarbital is administered following benzodiazepines. The risk of prolonged
sedation with phenobarbital is greater than with the other anticonvulsants
because of its half-life of 87 to 100 hours.
Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
Pentobarbital is used primarily in the treatment of
refractory status epilepticus, typically with
a loading dose of 10 mg/kg infused at a rate of up to 100
mg/minute. The ultimate infusion rate is determined by the amount
of drug required to terminate status epilepticus, but can be limited by
hypotension due to the drug's adverse inotropic and vasodilatory effects.
Vasopressors are almost universally required during high dose pentobarbital
infusions, and pulmonary artery catheterization may be required to optimize
volume status and facilitate vasopressor management.
Some centers use thiopental instead of pentobarbital for
refractory status epilepticus, but there are a number of problems with this
approach. Animal studies suggest that thiopental carries a higher incidence
of adverse cardiovascular effects than pentobarbital. The half-life of thiopental
is shorter than that of pentobarbital, but this is counterbalanced by the
fact that thiopental is degraded to active metabolites (including pentobarbital),
which accumulate with longer term infusions. Thiopental may also have
immunosuppressive effects on neutrophil function and mucociliary clearance.
An uncontrolled series of 10 consecutive adults presenting with status
epilepticus noted that high-dose thiopental therapy effectively terminated
clinical and electrophysiological evidence of seizures. However, therapy
was associated with systemic hypotension; each patient required fluid
resuscitation with an average of 2.6 L of crystalloid in the first 24 hours.
High-dose thiopental resulted in delayed recovery from anesthesia, and six
patients developed S. aureus pneumonia, resulting in prolonged intubation.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
The drug is unrelated to any of the currently used barbiturate, opioid,
benzodiazepine, arylcyclohexylamine, or imidazole intravenous anesthetic
agents. Hypotension and respiratory depression may complicate its
Experience with propofol in the treatment of status epilepticus is limited,
but promising results have been reported in several small trials. As an example,
one study compared the results of treatment with propofol or high dose
barbiturates in 16 patients with refractory status epilepticus. Termination
of seizures was significantly faster among successfully treated patients
in the propofol group (mean 3 versus 123 minutes), but there was a nonsignificant
trend toward higher overall success rates in barbiturate-treated patients
(82 versus 63 percent).
Valproic acid (Depacon)
The use of intravenous (IV) valproic acid (Depacon) in the treatment
of status epilepticus has been limited in part because the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved it only for slow infusion
rates (up to 20 mg/min). However, accumulating evidence suggests
that more rapid infusion rates and higher intravenous loading doses of valproate
are safe and well tolerated.
The limited available data suggest that valproate may be useful in treating
acute status epilepticus, but questions remain about the relative effectiveness
of IV valproate compared with other AEDs that are first-line agents for treating
status. In addition, the risk of hyperammonemic encephalopathy due to
valproate, may pose diagnostic challenges in the postictal setting.
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs
Further pharmacologic therapy at this
point is based primarily upon the patient's hemodynamic stability and the
risk for prolonged mechanical ventilation.
Hemodynamically stable patients
Treatment with high-dose barbiturates (pentobarbital or phenobarbital)
remains commonplace in this setting because of the greatest experience with
its use. However, propofol is gaining some acceptance in this setting for
patients who are already intubated. Continuous EEG monitoring should be
instituted, if possible, along with continuous pulse oximetry and blood pressure
monitoring via an arterial catheter. Vasopressors should be available at
the bedside.
An initial dose of 20 mg/kg of phenobarbital
should be infused at a maximum rate of 100 mg/minute. If seizure
activity continues, a dose of 10 mg/kg of pentobarbital should be infused
while careful attention is paid to the EEG and hemodynamic status. Additional
doses of pentobarbital at rates up to 100 mg/min should be infused until
seizures stop (and the EEG shows burst-suppression). Almost all patients
at this point will require vasopressor support (typically phenylephrine or
dopamine) as well as crystalloid infusions. The mortality rate associated
with barbiturate coma is high because of adverse hemodynamic effects and
the severity of the underlying neurologic process, and reaches 80 percent
in patients over 70.
If seizures are terminated with
pentobarbital, then
an infusion at 1 to 4 mg/kg per hour
should be maintained for 24 hours and tapered over the following 24 hours.
Some physicians may prolong the duration of high-dose therapy if frequent
focal epileptiform discharges remain on the EEG after treatment. During this
time, high therapeutic phenytoin and/or phenobarbital concentrations must
be maintained.
Hemodynamically unstable patients
Treatment with barbiturates or propofol may significantly worsen the
hemodynamics of unstable patients. Therefore, one option is to proceed with
a midazolam infusion because it is the
best tolerated treatment in this setting. Generally, therapy is
initiated with a 0.2 mg/kg bolus, followed by a
continuous infusion of 0.05 to 0.5 mg/kg per hour. If this is
unsuccessful within 45 to 60 minutes, a propofol or pentobarbital infusion
should be started.
Patients at high risk for respiratory failure
Patients who are at high risk for prolonged mechanical ventilation
(eg, those with severe COPD, severe debilitation, or cancer) should be treated
with propofol in an attempt to minimize
the duration of sedation. Pressors should be ready at the bedside, and blood
pressure and EEG monitored closely while propofol
infusion is initiated at 1 to 2 mg/kg per hour. This infusion
should be titrated over the next 20 to 60 minutes to maintain a seizure-free
state and burst suppression on the EEG. Infusion rates up to 10 to 12 mg/kg/hour
may be required.
If seizures are controlled with propofol, the effective infusion rate should
be maintained for 24 hours and then tapered at a rate of 5 percent per hour.
This prevents rebound seizures that commonly occur with abrupt propofol
discontinuation. It is critical that high therapeutic levels of at least
one anticonvulsant (phenytoin levels >25 mg/L [99 µmol/L] or
phenobarbital levels >30 mg/L [129 µmol/L]) are obtained prior to
tapering the propofol in order to reduce the risk of seizure recurrence.
Treatment with propofol should generally be considered unsuccessful if it
does not terminate seizure activity within 45 to 60 minutes. In this case,
a high dose barbiturate infusion should be considered. Propofol infusions
for refractory status epilepticus are relatively new in comparison with midazolam
or high dose barbiturates. However, as clinical experience with propofol
sedation in the intensive care setting grows, this agent is increasingly
used in patients with refractory status persisting after intubation. It remains
critical that propofol be employed cautiously and by individuals familiar
with its use in this context.
Out-of-hospital treatment
Treatment of status epilepticus out of hospital by paramedics appears
to be safe and effective. This was illustrated in a randomized, double-blind
study of 205 patients with status epilepticus, of whom 66 received lorazepam,
68 received diazepam, and 71 received placebo. Status epilepticus had been
terminated on arrival to the emergency department in more patients treated
with lorazepam and diazepam than placebo (59, 43, and 21 percent, respectively).
Active treatment also reduced the rates of respiratory or circulatory
complications (10.6, 10.3, and 22.5 percent, respectively).
RX |
Predisposing Factors | Seizure
Classification | Drugs