Infective Endocarditis

David T. Durack, M.B., D.Phil.
Duke University School of Medicine

Adolf W. Karchmer, M.D.
Harvard Medical School

Definition/Key Clinical Features
Differential Diagnosis
Best Tests
Best Therapy
Best References

Definition/Key Clinical Features

Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis (SBE) Acute Bacterial Endocarditis Endocarditis Associated with Parenteral Drug Use Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis
Differential Diagnosis
Best Tests
Best Therapy

Drug Therapy

Penicillin-Susceptible Viridans and Other Nonenterococcal Streptococci (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC] < 0.2 ΅g/ml)

Relatively Penicillin-Resistant Streptococci


Staphylococci (Methicillin Susceptible) in the Absence of Prosthetic Material

Staphylococci (Methicillin Resistant) in the Absence of Prosthetic Material

Staphylococci (Methicillin Susceptible) in the Presence of Prosthetic Material

Staphylococci (Methicillin Resistant) in the Presence of Prosthetic Material

HACEK Organisms

Surgical Intervention Endocarditis Associated with Parenteral Drug Use Antithrombotic Therapy

Best References

Cabell, et al: Arch Intern Med 162:90, 2002

Durack: JAMA 290:3250, 2003

Lisby, et al: Infect Dis Clin North Am 16:393, 2002

Olaison, et al: Cardiol Clin 21:235, 2003

Towns, et al: Cardiol Clin 21:197, 2003

March 2005

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