Herbal Medicine
Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone)
Be aware that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and dietary supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products containing or claiming to contain coenzyme Q10. Decisions to use herbs or supplements should be carefully considered. Individuals using prescription drugs should discuss taking herbs or supplements with their pharmacist or health care provider before starting.
Scientists have studied coenzyme Q10 for the following health problems:
Heart failure, cardiomyopathy
Several studies have shown benefits of coenzyme Q10 in people who have been
diagnosed with chronic heart failure (with or without cardiomyopathy), including
transplant recipients. Although the results are promising, some of them are
conflicting. Further research is needed.
A small amount of research suggests that coenzyme Q10 is of benefit in people
with exercise-induced angina. Further research is needed.
Heart attack
A small amount of research reports that coenzyme Q10 has benefits when given
after a heart attack. There may be fewer additional heart attacks or fewer
dangerous heart arrhythmias. However, additional studies are needed before
a strong recommendation can be made.
High blood pressure
Several studies suggest that supplementation with coenzyme Q10 may lower
systolic and diastolic blood pressure in some people who have high blood
pressure. It is not clear if coenzyme Q10 deficiency is a cause of high blood
pressure. Research has not clearly shown what doses are safe and effective,
and long-term effects have not been measured.
Protection against heart muscle damage from chemotherapy, heart surgery
or diabetes
There is early evidence that coenzyme Q10 may protect the heart from damage
during chemotherapy or bypass surgery or in diabetes. However, studies have
been small, with flaws in their designs, and results have disagreed with
each other. Additional research is needed. It is not clear what doses may
be safe or effective.
Alzheimer's disease
Some studies suggest that coenzyme Q10 may slow the progression of dementia
associated with Alzheimer's disease. However, these studies have been small,
and more research is needed before a conclusion can be made.
Coenzyme Q10 has been proposed as a possible therapy for gum disease. Early
evidence suggests that coenzyme Q10 may decrease pus formation, redness,
bleeding, pain and swelling of the gums. Most studies in humans have been
small, with flaws in their designs, and it is not clear what dose may be
safe or effective.
Coenzyme Q10 has been proposed as a possible therapy for HIV or AIDS. Early
evidence suggests that coenzyme Q10 may reduce an HIV-positive individual's
risk of getting other infections. However, studies in humans have been small,
with flaws in their designs. It remains unclear if coenzyme Q10 is beneficial
in HIV-positive people.
Decreased sperm movement
There is early evidence from one study in humans that coenzyme Q10 may help
increase sperm activity in men with reduced sperm movement (idiopathic
asthenospermia). However, this study was small and had flaws in its design.
Therefore, it is unclear whether there is any benefit from coenzyme Q10 in
improving sperm movement and it is not known what dose may be safe or effective.
Chronic kidney failure
Coenzyme Q10 has been proposed as a possible therapy for treating chronic
kidney failure. Early evidence suggests that coenzyme Q10 may improve kidney
function and reduce the need for chronic dialysis. More studies using larger
numbers of people are needed to determine if coenzyme Q10 is safe and effective
for this use.
Exercise performance
Coenzyme Q10 has been proposed as a possible therapy for improving exercise
performance. There is only limited research in humans using coenzyme Q10
specifically for this use, and results of different studies have disagreed
with each other. Coenzyme Q10 may benefit people with chronic lung diseases,
but it does not appear to offer advantages for most athletes. It is unclear
what dose is safe and effective.
Huntington's disease
One study was conducted to determine if coenzyme Q10 is beneficial in treating
Huntington's disease. Although this study did not find any support for using
coenzyme Q10, the study was small, with flaws in its design.
Neuromuscular disorders (muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease,
mitochondrial disease, Kearns-Sayre syndrome)
Several studies have suggested that coenzyme Q10 may help treat various diseases
associated with muscle or nerve degeneration. Early evidence suggests that
coenzyme Q10 may improve heart function in people with progressive muscular
dystrophies, may slightly improve muscle function in people with Parkinson's
disease and may reduce fatigue or improve mood disturbances in people with
mitochondrial diseases or diseases that inhibit the body's ability to store
and use energy appropriately. However, these studies have been small, with
flaws in their designs. Therefore, it is unclear whether there is any benefit
from coenzyme Q10 in these diseases, and it is not known what dose may be
safe or effective. Another study in humans with neurological disease showed
the effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in Friedreich's ataxia and as a neuroprotectant
against ischemia, trauma, oxidative damage and neurotoxins.
Breast cancer
Several studies in women with breast cancer report reduced levels of coenzyme
Q10 in diseased breast tissue or blood. Some researchers have suggested that
raising coenzyme Q10 levels with supplements may be helpful. However, it
is not clear if coenzyme Q10 is beneficial in these patients or if the low
levels of coenzyme Q10 may actually be a part of the body’s natural
response to cancer, helping to fight disease. Supplementation with coenzyme
Q10 has not been proven to reduce cancer and has not been compared with other
forms of treatment for breast cancer.
Coenzyme Q10 has been suggested for many other uses, based on tradition or on scientific theories. However, these uses have not been thoroughly studied in humans, and there is limited scientific evidence about safety or effectiveness. Some of these suggested uses are for conditions that are potentially very serious and even life-threatening. You should consult a health care provider before taking coenzyme Q10 for any unproven use.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Anemia Antioxidant Asthma Bell's palsy Cancer Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Clogged arteries Deafness Diabetes Difficulty breathing Drug-induced muscle deterioration Hair loss |
Hepatitis B Immune dysfunction Insomnia Irregular heart beats Life extension Liver disease Lung cancer MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactacidosis, stroke) Mitral valve prolapse Neurodegenerative disorders Nutrition Obesity Oxidative stress components Papillon-Le Fevre syndrome Peripheral edema Psychiatric disorders Stomach ulcers |
Side Effects
Pregnancy And Breast-Feeding
Interactions with drugs, herbs and other supplements have not been thoroughly studied. The interactions listed below have been reported in scientific publications. If you are taking prescription drugs, speak with your health care provider or pharmacist before using herbs or dietary supplements.
Interactions With Drugs
Interactions With Herbs And Dietary Supplements
The doses listed below are based on scientific research, publications or traditional use. Because most herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly studied or monitored, safety and effectiveness may not be proven. Brands may be made differently, with variable ingredients even within the same brand. Combination products often contain small amounts of each ingredient and may not be effective. Appropriate dosing should be discussed with a health care provider before starting therapy; always read the recommendations on a product's label. The dosing for unproven uses should be approached cautiously, because scientific information is limited in these areas.
There are no well-established doses of coenzyme Q10, and many different doses have been used and studied.
Adults (Aged 18 Or Older)
Children (Younger Than 18): There are a few studies using coenzyme Q10 in children. For reducing heart damage associated with some chemotherapy drugs, a dose of 100 milligrams taken by mouth twice daily has been used. Safety in children is not well established, and use of this supplement should be discussed with your child's health care provider.
Coenzyme Q10 has been suggested as a treatment for many conditions. Some research supports the use of coenzyme Q10 for congestive heart failure, after heart attacks, high blood pressure, heart complications associated with diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, although it is not well-established what doses may be safe and effective. There is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of coenzyme Q10 for any other medical condition. Coenzyme Q10 may cause flulike symptoms, stomach upset or headache. It should be avoided in pregnant or breast-feeding women, but it has been studied and used in children under the supervision of a qualified health care provider. Coenzyme Q10 may increase the risk of blood clotting or bleeding. Consult your health care provider immediately if you have any side effects.
The information in this monograph was prepared by the professional staff at Natural Standard, based on thorough systematic review of scientific evidence. The material was reviewed by the Faculty of the Harvard Medical School with final editing approved by Natural Standard.
Selected Scientific Studies: Coenzyme Q10
Some of the more recent studies are listed below:
Last updated June 22, 2005