Robert L. Barbieri, M.D.
Harvard Medical School
Clinical Features
Definition/Key Clinical Features
- Primary: menses does not begin by age 16 yr (or if patient misses
important pubertal milestones, e.g., no breast development by age 14 yr)
- Most common causes
- Gonadal dysgenesis resulting from chromosome abnormality
- Physiologic delay of puberty
- Müan agenesis
- Obstructed outflow
- Absence of GnRH secretion
- Secondary (adult onset): previously menstruating woman has no menses for
> 3 cycles or for 6 mo
- In nonpregnant women, most common causes of secondary amenorrhea
- Hypothalamic dysfunction (low GnRH secretion associated with stress,
intensive exercise, low body mass index (BMI), low-fat diet, or
combination of these)
- Pituitary dysfunction (prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor, empty
sella syndrome, Sheehan syndrome, Cushing disease, or GH-secreting
- Loss of ovarian follicles (premature ovarian failure)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Asherman syndrome (intrauterine adhesions)
- Thyroid disease
Best Tests
Primary Amenorrhea
- Serum FSH
- Breast exam
- Pelvic ultrasound or MRI to determine presence of cervix and uterus
- Elevated FSH level indicates gonadal dysgenesis; obtain karyotype for
presence of Y chromosome
- Normal FSH level, no breast development, normal uterus: consider
hypothalamic and pituitary causes of amenorrhea (see Low GnRH Secretion and
Pituitary Dysfunction, below); refer to endocrinologist
- Normal FSH level, normal breast development, normal uterus: workup for
secondary amenorrhea (see Secondary Amenorrhea, below)
- Normal FSH level, normal breast development, but blood present in uterus
or vagina indicate obstructed outflow
- Normal FSH level, normal breast development, but no uterus
- Measure testosterone level
- Testosterone in female range indicates Müan agenesis
- Testosterone in male range indicates androgen
Secondary Amenorrhea
- Serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- Serum prolactin
- Serum FSH
- Serum testosterone
- Calculate BMI
- Negative hCG, abnormal BMI: evaluate diet and nutritional status
- Negative hCG, elevated prolactin: rule out hypothyroidism, drug
reactions, renal failure (see Pituitary Dysfunction, below)
- Negative hCG, elevated FSH: evaluate for premature ovarian failure (see
Premature Ovarian Failure, below)
- Negative hCG, elevated testosterone: evaluate for
hyperandrogenism/polycystic ovary syndrome (see Hyperandrogenism and
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), below)
- Normal hCG, prolactin, FSH levels plus history of D&C: evaluate for
Asherman syndrome (see Asherman syndrome (Intrauterine Adhesions),
Clinical Pearls
- Rule out pregnancy in sexually active women
- Reassure women that workup not necessary before 6 mo of amenorrhea, once
pregnancy has been excluded
Low GnRH Secretion
- Perform progestin withdrawal test to determine severity of hypoestrogenism
- Administer medroxyprogesterone acetate, one 10 mg tablet/day for 5 days
- Test is positive if menses starts within 10 days of completing therapy;
patient is producing sufficient estrogen to cause some endometrial growth
- Test is negative if menses does not start within 10 days; patient
produces no estrogen or has Asherman syndrome
Pituitary Dysfunction
Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors
- MRI scan of hypothalamus and pituitary to confirm prolactinoma
- If pituitary tumor is present, measure serum insulin-like growth factor-1
Empty Sella Syndrome (can cause hypopituitarism and amenorrhea by
compression of pituitary
- High-resolution MRI or CT of pituitary
Sheehan Syndrome (hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction following
obstetric hemorrhage and hypotension at delivery)
- Administer thyrotropin-releasing hormone, 100 µg I.V., and measure
prolactin at 0 and 30 min
- If ratio of prolactin at 30 min to that at 0 min is <3, evaluate for
Premature Ovarian Failure
- Measure serum FSH levels three times, 1 mo apart; complete ovarian failure
marked by levels > 25 U/L on three tests
Hyperandrogenism and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Androgen-secreting tumors associated with serum testosterone levels >
200 ng/dl
- PCOS associated with serum testosterone levels of 50-150 ng/dl
- Measure 17-hydroxyprogesterone level at 8 A.M.
- Level > 4 ng/ml diagnostic of nonclassic adrenal hyperplasia due to
21-hydroxylase deficiency
- Level < 4 ng/ml excludes nonclassic adrenal hyperplasia due to
21-hydroxylase deficiency
- Ultrasound showing multiple small ovarian follicles (> 10 per ovary)
supports PCOS diagnosis
Asherman Syndrome (Intrauterine Adhesions)
- Administer conjugated estrogens, 2.5 mg x 35 days, plus
medroxyprogesterone acetate, 10 mg/day on days 26-35; absence of withdrawal
bleeding after challenge suggests Asherman syndrome, which can be confirmed
radiologically or by hysteroscopy
Best Therapy
Primary Amenorrhea
- Gonadal dysgenesis: if Y chromosome is present, ovaries should be removed
to prevent malignancy
- Müan agenesis: surgical construction of a new vagina
- Androgen insensitivity: surgical removal of gonads after puberty
- Obstructed outflow: surgery
Secondary Amenorrhea
Low GnRH Secretion
- Reduce psychosocial stress, gain weight, lower exercise intensity
- Oral contraceptives
- Low-dose hormone replacement (conjugated estrogens, 0.625 mg, plus
medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2.5 mg/day) or cyclic hormone replacement
- Vitamin D, 400 IU/day, and calcium, 1,200?1,500 mg/day, to slow decline in
bone mineral density
Pituitary Dysfunction
Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors
- Drug comparison
- Low-dose oral contraceptives (any standard contraceptive dose): can
initiate withdrawal bleeding and prevent osteoporosis; not associated with
tumor growth
- Dopamine agonists: for women who wish to become pregnant; measure serum
prolactin levels 1 mo after initiation or change in dose or drug; if
prolactin level is normal, continue initial dosage (if not, increase dose
gradually); GI side effects (nausea/vomiting) most common reason for
discontinuing medication; excellent efficacy
- Bromocriptine
- Dose: start at 1.25 mg at bedtime; after 1 wk, 1.25 mg b.i.d; then
2.5 mg b.i.d (max, 5 mg b.i.d); use vaginal administration if oral is
not tolerated
- Cost/mo: 2.5 mg b.i.d: $123.98
- Cabergoline
- Dose: start at 0.5 mg once a week; then 1 mg once or twice a week
(max, 1.5 mg 2-3 times per wk)
- Cost/mo: 2 mg/wk: $465.95
If medical therapy fails, surgical removal of the tumor is indicated
Empty Sella Syndrome
- Specific replacement of documented hormonal abnormalities
Sheehan Syndrome
- Specific replacement of documented hormonal abnormalities
Premature Ovarian Failure
- No proven therapy
- Estrogen-progestin therapy to prevent osteoporosis
Hyperandrogenism and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- PCOS: oral contraceptives to suppress ovarian androgen secretion
- Adrenal hyperplasia: low-dose glucocorticoids to suppress adrenal androgen
Asherman Syndrome
- Surgical lysis of intrauterine adhesions, then stimulation of endometrial
growth with estrogen
Best References
Laughlin, et al: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 83:25, 1998
Perkins, et al: Hum Reprod 16:2198, 2001
Perkins, et al: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84:1905, 1999
Reindollar, et al: Am J Obstet Gynecol 155:531, 1986
Warren: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 75:1393, 1992
July 2006
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