TOC | Pulm

Status Asthmaticus   

Status Asthmaticus  in Adults                     See  Asthma                                                         REF:  UpToDate 2006

  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   
INTRODUCTION — Severe attacks of asthma poorly responsive to adrenergic agents and associated with signs or symptoms of potential respiratory failure are often referred to as "status asthmaticus." The term is now applied to asthma attacks of unusual severity.


The pathologic changes found on post-mortem examination of airways from most patients dying of severe asthma differ only in severity from those found in patients with mild asthma who die of other causes:

  1. Bronchial wall thickening from edema and inflammatory cell infiltration.

  2. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchial smooth muscle and submucosal glands.

  3. Deposition of collagen beneath the epithelial basement membrane.

  4. In addition, most asthma deaths are associated with prominent intraluminal inspissation of secretions, leading to occlusion of up to 50 percent of the total cross sectional area of airways two mm in diameter.

  5. In some deaths, however, bronchial mucus is absent, suggesting that airway obstruction was predominantly due to intense smooth muscle contraction.

These pathologic patterns may correlate with differences in the rate of progression of attacks:

  1. A rapid response to bronchodilator therapy of "acute asphyxic asthma," in which the interval from the appearance of symptoms to intubation is less than three hours, has been interpreted as suggesting that bronchial smooth muscle contraction is the predominant cause of airway narrowing.

  2. The slower response to therapy of asthmatic exacerbations that progressed over many hours, days, or even weeks, may indicate greater contributions from mucus inspissation and inflammatory thickening of the bronchial wall.


  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   

— The most powerful predictive feature in the history that a severe episode may be life-threatening is any history of prior intubation and mechanical ventilation for asthma. In comparison, progression of symptoms despite treatment with high doses of inhaled beta-agonists and oral or inhaled corticosteroids probably indicates a greater risk of a poor or slow response to initial emergency department therapy; it does not, however, alter recommendations for the initial therapy given.

Physical examination
— Gross physical findings of severe asthma include any alteration in consciousness, fatigue, upright posture, diaphoresis, and the use of accessory muscles of breathing.  Tachypnea (>30/min), tachycardia (>120/min), and an inspiratory fall in systolic blood pressure (pulsus paradoxus) of more 15 mmHg are also more common in severe attacks.  It is important to appreciate, however, that the absence of these findings does not exclude even immediately life-threatening airflow obstruction, especially if the patient is exhausted or obtunded.

Examination of the chest typically reveals overinflation, reduced respiratory excursion, and diffuse expiratory wheezing, but the pitch or intensity of wheezing does not discriminate between degrees of severity. Careful inspection of the mouth and pharynx and auscultation over the upper airway may provide clues that the site of obstruction is in the upper airway, as from epiglottitis, angioedema, or vocal cord dysfunction.

Measurement of peak expiratory flow rate
— The most direct assessment of airflow obstruction is measurement of spirometry or peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). However, some patients are too dyspneic to perform even this test until bronchodilator therapy has been given. Whenever possible, the PEFR should be measured initially to provide a baseline and at successive intervals during treatment. Predicted values differ with size and age, but a peak flow below 120 L/min or an FEV1 below 1.0 liters indicates severe obstruction for all but unusually small adults.

Arterial blood gas measurements
— The most direct assessment of the impact of airflow obstruction on ventilation is measurement of arterial blood gases. The critical information lies not in arterial oxygen tension, for severe hypoxemia is rare in asthma and the customarily modest hypoxemia is responsive to modest oxygen supplementation.  Far more important is the arterial PCO2. Respiratory drive is almost invariably increased in acute asthma, resulting in hyperventilation and a correspondingly decreased PaCO2. Thus, an elevated or even normal PaCO2 indicates that airway narrowing is so severe that the ventilatory demands of the respiratory center cannot be met. Respiratory failure can then develop rapidly with any further bronchoconstriction or respiratory muscle fatigue.  Because CO2 retention develops only in severe asthma and oxygen saturation can be measured by pulse oximetry, arterial blood gases need not be measured in most asthmatic patients presenting for emergency care. Furthermore, even patients with CO2 retention usually respond to aggressive drug therapy, so it could be argued that
arterial blood gases need only be determined on initial assessment in the following cases:

  • Patients gasping for air.

  • Patients unable to speak more than two or three words.

  • Patients with obtunded consciousness or in cardiopulmonary arrest.

  • Patients with severe asthma who respond poorly to initial aggressive therapy.

  • Repeated evaluation after initial treatment may be even more important than the initial assessment of severity. The response to the first two hours of treatment appears to be the most powerful predictor of outcome.


  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   
Management of Status Asthmaticus                       * Correction of any precipitating causes!

  1. Oxygen supplement  

  2. Bronchodilators
    a. Inhaled Beta agonists as albuterol (Ventolin/Proventil)
    - It is most commonly given by handheld nebulizer, at a dose of 2.5 mg dissolved in two mL of isotonic saline.
    - In patients with particularly severe obstruction, nebulized albuterol may be given continuously until the obstruction is improved or toxicity (tachycardia, arrhythmias, skeletal muscle tremor) supervenes.
    - The modest fall in the plasma potassium concentration of about 0.7 meq/L caused by intensive beta-agonist therapy may induce slight Q-T prolongation on the electrocardiogram. However, this translocation of potassium into the cells is infrequently of practical importance except for patients who are hypokalemic from other causes or who are taking digitalis. Similar modest falls in the plasma magnesium and phosphate concentration also occur via the same mechanism.

    b. Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent™) by inhalation
    - As a practical matter, it appears that the addition of 0.25 mg of ipratropium to a large dose of albuterol (five mg) in the solution given by nebulizer results in greater improvement in FEV1 than does albuterol alone (26 versus 20 percent in one study)
    - For patients requiring frequent bronchodilator aerosol treatment for several hours, alternating albuterol and ipratropium treatments offers a way of maintaining bronchodilation while reducing the risk of beta agonist toxicity.

    c. Theophylline by intravenous infusion adds to the bronchodilation achieved by maximal doses of an inhaled beta agonist.
    - Most short-term studies show that intravenous infusion of theophylline (aminophylline) adds toxicity but no further immediate bronchodilation to that achieved by nebulized therapy with a beta agonist. Furthermore, most longer-term studies show that addition of intravenous theophylline to inhaled beta agonist and intravenous corticosteroid therapy has no influence on the course or duration of hospitalization    

  3. Corticosteroids - dramatically reduces the need for hospitalization and should be instituted in patients who do not respond immediately to bronchodilators.
    - reducing mucosal edema and inflammatory cell infiltration; and decreasing mucus secretion
    - for example, IV methylprednisolone (125 mg) given on presentation to the emergency department was associated with a hospitalization rate of 19 percent compared to 47 percent in the placebo treated group.
    - the current practice of methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg IV q6hr. However, a meta-analysis of 30 randomized trials suggests that half that dose is probably maximally effective.
    - PO  60 mg of prednisone q6hr appears to as effective as intravenous methylprednisolone.
      Once oral corticosteroids are started, they should be continued for at least one week, and the patient should be seen in follow-up before the dose is tapered or discontinued.  It was once common practice to reduce the dose gradually, such as a decrease of five mg of prednisone every other day over seven to ten days. However, there appears to be little risk in abruptly stopping short courses (ie, less than 10 days) of oral therapy in patients whose symptoms, physical findings, and peak flow have normalized.
    - both 40 mg and 125 mg of methylprednisolone IV q6hr caused a significantly more rapid improvement in FEV1 than did 15 mg.
    - Inhaled corticosteroids may take several days for their effects to become apparent, and possibly several months before they reach a plateau [49]. As a result, inhaled therapy should be started before oral therapy is discontinued.    

  4. Parenteral magnesium
    — The two largest prospective, double blind, controlled studies reported thus far showed that magnesium sulfate added little or no further bronchodilation to that achieved with an inhaled beta agonist. However, the numbers of subjects studied were too few to definitely exclude possibly responsive subgroups, such as premenopausal women.
    _ The dose of magnesium typically given, 2 gm IV over 20 minutes, has little toxicity and is unlikely to harm a patient with severe asthma. Nevertheless, we cannot recommend magnesium sulfate until there is evidence that at least some patients benefit from its addition to usual therapy.  

  5. Antibiotics — Viral but not bacterial respiratory infections are common precipitants of asthma exacerbations. It is therefore not surprising that amoxicillin has been shown not to affect the course of acute asthmatic attacks. Antibiotics are now reserved for patients with fever, leukocytosis (>15,000/mm3), and a pulmonary infiltrate on the chest radiograph.  

  6. Intubation & Ventilator
    - The decision to proceed to intubation and mechanical ventilation should be made before the patient is in extremis. Asthmatics have exaggerated bronchial responsiveness, and intubation is difficult in any circumstance, let alone under the conditions of hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis of respiratory failure. There are no explicit and inclusive guidelines as to when intubation should be performed; the decision to proceed is best based on an integrative clinical assessment of the patient's ability to continue ventilation until therapy becomes effective. Worsening fatigue and persistent or increased hypercapnia weigh heavily in favor of intubation. 

The initial goal of therapy is simply to reverse obstruction to airflow, as documented by improvement in the peak flow or FEV1 obtained 1 to 2 hours after therapy is started. The ultimate goal is a sustained improvement in either measurement to >70 percent of predicted or the patient's personal best. This should be accompanied by a decrease in symptoms, so that the patient is no longer short of breath at rest or with minimal exertion.


  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   
— The severity of the asthmatic attack should be continually assessed in the Emergency Department on at least an hourly basis after initiating therapy. Most acute exacerbations of asthma respond well to therapy with an inhaled beta agonist and a systemic corticosteroid. Prompt resolution of symptoms and improvement in peak flow to greater than 70 percent of the predicted value permits the patient to be sent home. However, bronchospasm may recur, even in patients with such prompt and nearly complete improvement. This is most likely to occur in the next 72 hours. As a result, the patient should be given clear instructions for an "action plan" to treat recurrent symptoms or a fall in peak flow.

The course is different for the many patients who do not respond so completely. In this setting, the decision about the need for hospitalization is usually made after four to six hours of therapy. Patients with an incomplete or poor response to therapy at this time should be considered for admission.

Clear indications for admission are:

  • Fatigue.

  • Persistence of severe dyspnea.

  • Peak flow persistently below 50 percent predicted.

  • Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum.

  • History of previous intubation for asthma.

  • Comorbidity from coronary artery disease.

For patients with better, but still incomplete responses, the decision about hospitalization must weigh other considerations, such as the history of prior attacks, the home situation, and the patient's skills in self-assessment and treatment.

Indications for admission to an intensive or intermediate care unit are persisting signs of severity:

  • Use of accessory muscles.

  • Fatigue

  • Peak flow under 150 L/min.

  • Normal or elevated arterial PCO2.

  • Marked increase in dyspnea or a fall in peak flow after a maximal expiratory maneuver, eg, when performing the peak flow test.


  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   
Home Management of Asthma Exacerbation


Hospital Management of Asthma Exacerbation


  Assessment  |  Management  |  Hospitalization  |  Useful algorithms  |  Recommendation   
— Useful algorithms for managing acute exacerbations of asthma in the home and in the Emergency Department setting have been published by the National Asthma Expert Panel (show figure 5 and show figure 6). The basic principles of care are to:
  1. Carefully assess the severity of the attack.

  2. Use inhaled beta agonists early and frequently.

  3. Start oral or intravenous corticosteroids early if there is not an immediate response to beta agonists.

  4. Make frequent (every one to two hours) objective assessments of the response to therapy until clear, sustained, improvement is documented.

  5. Admit patients who do not respond well after four to six hours to a setting of high surveillance and care.

  6. Educate patients about the principles of self-management for early recognition and treatment of a recurrent attack (develop an "action plan" for recurrent symptoms).


PEFR - Peak Flow Rate L/min  

For Normal Male  (50-70% of expected)                          REF:  Assess Peak Flow Meter Info












20 554 277 - 388 575  288 - 403 594  297 - 416 611  306 - 428   626  313 - 438
25 580 290 - 406 603 302 - 422 622 311 - 435 640 320 - 448 656 328 - 459
30 594 297 - 416 617 309 - 432 637 319 - 446 655 328 - 459 672 336 - 470
35 599 300 - 419 622 311 - 435 643 322 - 450 661 331 - 463 677 339 - 474
40 597 299 - 418 620 310 - 434 641 321 - 449 659 330 - 461 675 338 - 473
45 591 296 - 414 613 307 - 429 633 317 - 443 651 326 - 456 668 334 - 468
50 580 290 - 406 602 301 - 421 622 311 - 435 640 320 - 448 656 328 - 459
55 566 283 - 396 588 294 - 412 608 304 - 426 625 313 - 438 640 320 - 448
60 551 276 - 386 572 286 - 400 591 296 - 414 607 304 - 425 622 311 - 435
65 533 267 - 373 554 277 - 388 572 286 - 400 588 294 - 412 603 302 - 422
70 515 258 - 361 535 268 - 375 552 276 - 386 568 284 - 398 582 291 - 407
75 496 248 - 347 515 258 - 361 532 266 - 372 547 274 - 383 560 280 - 392

PEFR For Normal Female  (50-70% of expected)












20 444  222 - 311 460  230 - 322 474  237 - 332 486  243 - 340 497  249 - 348
25 455 228 - 319 471 236 - 330 485 243 - 340 497 249 - 348 509 255 - 356
30 458 229 - 321 475 238 - 333 489 245 - 342 502 251 - 351 513 257 - 359
35 458 229 - 321 474 237 - 332 488 244 - 342 501 251 - 351 512 256 - 358
40 453 227 - 317 469 235 - 328 483 242 - 338 496 248 - 347 507 254 - 355
45 446 223 - 312 462 231 - 323 476 238 - 333 488 244 - 342 499 250 - 349
50 437 219 - 306 453 227 - 317 466 233 - 326 478 239 - 335 489 245 - 342
55 427 214 - 299 442 221 - 309 455 228 - 319 467 234 - 327 477 239 - 334
60 415 208 - 291 430 215 - 301 443 222 - 310 454 227 - 318 464 232 - 325
65 403 202 - 282 417 209 - 292 430 215 - 301 441 221 - 309 451 226 - 316
70 390 195 - 273 404 202 - 283 416 208 - 291 427 214 - 299 436 218 - 305
75 377 189 - 264 391 196 - 274 402 201 - 281 413 207 - 289 422 211 - 295


Agents for Persistent Asthma  

Medications for Asthma & COPD          

Beta-2 Agonist  
* * Aerochamber - better delivery.   Spacer device

Inhaled short-acting beta2 agonists:
first-line p.r.n. therapy;
no significant differences in efficacy among inhaled short-acting beta2 agonists; dilute aerosols to minimum of 4 ml at gas flow of 6-8 L/min

  • Albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil)
    • Nebulizer, 5 mg/ml   0.5 ml in 2.5 ml NS(2.5 mg)
      • Dose: maintenance, 1.25–5.0 mg q. 4–8 hr p.r.n; exacerbation, 5 mg q. 2 hr
    • MDI, 84 ¼g/puff: MDI as effective as nebulizer when used with spacer
      • Dose: maintenance, 2–4 puffs q. 6 hr p.r.n; exacerbation, 3–8 puffs q. 2 hr
  • Pirbuterol (Maxair)
    • MDI, 200 ¼g/puff
      • Dose: maintenance, 2–4 puffs q. 6 hr p.r.n.; exacerbation, not studied
  • Alupent 0.3 ml in 2.5 ml NS (15 mg) (Metaproterenol)

Combined short-acting beta2 agonist and anticholinergic:  
use when both are indicated

  • MDI Combivent albuterol (90 ¼g/puff) + ipratropium bromide (18 ¼g/puff)
    Dose: maintenance, not recommended; exacerbation, 3–8 puffs q. 2 hr

Inhaled long-acting beta2 agonists:  
first-line scheduled bronchodilator therapy

  • Salmeterol (Serevent Diskus): Slower onset of action; not used as a rescue bronchodilator
    • MDI, 21 ¼g/puff
      • Dose: maintenance, 2 puffs q. 12 hr; exacerbation, not recommended
      • Cost/mo: $50.00–69.99
    • DPI, 50 ¼g/blister
      • Dose: maintenance, 1 blister q. 12 hr
  • Formoterol (Foradil) : faster onset of action than salmeterol; may be used as a rescue bronchodilator
    • DPI, 12 ¼g/capsule
      • Dose: maintenance, 1 capsule q. 12 hr; exacerbation, not recommended

Combined long-acting beta2 agonit and corticosteroid:

  • Advair (fluticasone/Flovent + salmeterol/Serevent) DPI 100/50, 250/50, 500/50) 1 puff bid


Inhaled Corticosteroids:
first choice of anti-inflammatory agents; various inhaled corticosteroid agents differ in potency
  • Fluticasone (Flovent): highest potency; also formulated in combination with salmeterol in DPI
    • Dose: low, 83-264 µg; medium, 264-660 µg; high, > 660 µg
      • 44 µg/puff: low, 2-4 puffs/day
      • 110 µg/puff: low, 2 puffs/day; medium, 2-6 puffs/day; high, > 6 puffs/day
      • 220 µg/puff: medium, 1-2 puffs/day; high, > 3 puffs/day
  • Budesonide (Pulmocort): second-highest potency; DPI inhaler
    • Dose: low, 200-400 µg; medium, 400-600 µg; high, > 600 µg
      • 220 µg/puff: low, 1-2 puffs/day; medium, 2-3 puffs/day; high, > 3 puffs/day
  • Beclomethasone (QVAR): third-highest potency; available in HFA MDI, possibly improving effectiveness
    • Dose: low, 168-504 µg; medium, 504-840 µg; high, > 840 µg
      • 42 µg/puff: low, 4-12 puffs/day; medium, 12-20 puffs/day; high, > 20 puffs/day
      • 40-80 mcg 1-2 puffs bid
  • Flunisolide (Aerobid): lowest potency
    • Dose: low, 500-1,000 µg; medium, 1,000-2,000 µg; high, > 2000 µg
      • 42 µg/puff: low, 4-12 puffs/day; medium, 12-20 puffs/day; high, > 20 puffs/day
  • Triamcinolone (Azmacort): lowest potency; provided with spacer
    Dose: low, 400-1,000 µg; medium, 1,000-2,000 µg; high, > 2,000 µg
    100 µg/puff: low, 4-10 puffs/day; medium, 10-20 puffs/day; high, > 20 puffs/day

Systemic Corticosteroids

  • Prednisone: usual oral agent; q.d. initially, then wean off, if possible, or switch to q.o.d.
    • Dose: initial, 0.5-1.0 mg/kg/day; maintenance, none or minimal
  • Methylprednisolone, oral: less commonly used oral agent; q.d. initially, then wean off, if possible, or switch to q.o.d.
    • Dose: initial, 24-48 mg/day; maintenance, none or minimal
  • Methylprednisolone, I.V.: usual I.V. agent; oral therapy is as effective
    • Dose: initial, 60-125 mg IV q. 6-8 hr; maintenance, none


Anticholinergic drugs:

Atrovent (Ipratropium)  inhaler 2-4 puffs q6h
Atrovent 0.5mg (1 unit dose) nebulizer soln in 2.5 mL NS 3-4x/d
Atropin 0.5 mg in 2.5 ml NS q6-8h


Leukotriene Inhibitors:
less effective than inhaled corticosteroids; help with associated allergic rhinitis; use for aspirin-sensitive patients

  • Montelukast (Singulair): first choice of leukotriene inhibitors; note q.h.s. dosing; no lab monitoring or restrictions related to meals
    • Dose: 10 mg q.h.s.
    • Cost/mo: $60.00-69.99
  • Zafirlukast (Accolate): should be taken at least 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals
    • Dose: 20 mg b.i.d.
    • Cost/mo: $50.00-59.00
  • Zileuton  (Zyflo): must monitor LFTs
    • Dose: 600 mg q.i.d.
    • Cost/mo: $79.00-89.99
  • Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trxall): efficacy controversial; toxic drug, must monitor blood counts and LFTs closely; should be given only by asthma expert
    • Dose: 7.5 mg/wk (adjust to effect; maximum 25 mg/wk)
    • Cost/mo: $10.00-19.99



Cromolyn Sodium (Intal): much less potent than inhaled steroids; used more often in children; no steroid side effects

  • Dose: initial, 2-4 puffs q.i.d.; maintenance, 2 puffs q.i.d.
    • Cost/mo: $30.00-39.99/canister

Nedocromil: much less potent than inhaled steroids; no steroid side effects

  • Dose: initial, 2 puffs q.i.d.; maintenance, 2 puffs q.i.d.
    • Cost/mo: $50.00-59.99

Nonselective beta-2 agonists

  • * Patients whose bronchoconstriction is resistant to continuous handheld nebulizer treatments with traditional beta-2 agonists may be candidates for nonselective beta-2 agonists (eg, epinephrine 0.3-0.5 mg  SC  q 30 min x 3; or terbutaline 0.25 mg SC) administered subcutaneously. However, systemic therapy has no proven advantage over aerosol therapy with selective beta-2 agents.
    Susphrine 0.1-0.3 ml 1:200 SQ
    *Avoid or use cautiously in heart or HBP pts.

* Aminophylline The loading dose is usually 5-6 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5-0.9 mg/kg/h

  • o Conflicting reports on the efficacy of aminophylline therapy have made it controversial.

  • o Starting intravenous aminophylline may be reasonable in patients who do not respond to medical treatment with bronchodilators, oxygen, corticosteroids, and intravenous fluids within 24 hours.

  • o Recent data suggest that aminophylline may have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to its bronchodilator properties.

  • o The loading dose is usually 5-6 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5-0.9 mg/kg/h.

  • o Physicians must monitor a patient's theophylline level. Traditionally, the level was targeted to the higher end of the local therapeutic range; however, many authorities suggest that the lower portion of the range (ie, >5 but <10) may be preferable if the patient can obtain the benefits of the drug in the lower range.

  • o Adverse effects can include tachyarrhythmia, nausea, seizures, and anxiety.

Theophylline: third choice; relatively weak bronchodilator; used only when all other agents optimized; significant toxicity; must monitor levels

  • Dose: maintenance, 100–200 mg b.i.d.; exacerbation, adjust to serum level 10–20 µg/ml

 Proventil (Albuterol) 2-4mg tablet qid PO

REF:   2004 


* [DPI—dry-powder inhaler; MDI--metered-dose inhaler]

 Nonselective beta-2 agonists
  • * Patients whose bronchoconstriction is resistant to continuous handheld nebulizer treatments with traditional beta-2 agonists may be candidates for nonselective beta-2 agonists (eg, epinephrine [0.3-0.5 mg]  SC or terbutaline [0.25 mg] SC) administered subcutaneously. However, systemic therapy has no proven advantage over aerosol therapy with selective beta-2 agents.

* Aminophylline The loading dose is usually 5-6 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5-0.9 mg/kg/h

  • o Conflicting reports on the efficacy of aminophylline therapy have made it controversial.

  • o Starting intravenous aminophylline may be reasonable in patients who do not respond to medical treatment with bronchodilators, oxygen, corticosteroids, and intravenous fluids within 24 hours.

  • o Recent data suggest that aminophylline may have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to its bronchodilator properties.

  • o The loading dose is usually 5-6 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5-0.9 mg/kg/h.

  • o Physicians must monitor a patient's theophylline level. Traditionally, the level was targeted to the higher end of the local therapeutic range; however, many authorities suggest that the lower portion of the range (ie, >5 but <10) may be preferable if the patient can obtain the benefits of the drug in the lower range.

  • o Adverse effects can include tachyarrhythmia, nausea, seizures, and anxiety.

REF:   2004  

