
Alternative Medicine Websites

Religion, Spirituality, & Medicine - Mayo Clinic Proceedings Dec. 2001  | Editorial   

Herbal Interactions With Cardiac Drugs  (Arch IM  Mar. 27, 2000;160  )
Tsung O. Cheng, MD; Robert M. Feingold, MD

Herb-Drug Interactions (Lancet Jan. 2000, 355:134)  Adriane Fugh-Berman

Hypericum extract (St John's wort) improves depression and quality of life
In the first comparative three arm trial of  Hypericum perforatum (St John's wort) 350 mg tid over eight weeks, Philipp et al (p 1534) showed that the standardised extract STEI 300 was a more effective antidepressant than placebo and at least as effective as imipramine (100 mg daily) in a sample of 263 patients in Germany with moderate depression. Quality of life was improved with the hypericum extract compared with placebo in both mental and physical components of the SF-36. Phytomedicine is therefore an important alternative to tricyclics in patients with moderate depression.
(BMJ Dec.11,1999;319:1534 - Michael Philipp)

American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) 3 g capsules Reduces Postprandial Glycemia in Nondiabetic Subjects and Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  - Vladimir Vuksan, PhD, etc.  (Arch IM April 10, 2000;160:1009 )
Reductions in area under the glycemic curve were 18% +/-31% for nondiabetic subjects and 19 +/-22% and 22 +/-17% for subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus administered before or together with the glucose challenge, respectively.

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